2020-9-17 KosherGram PDF

FISH HEADS: [from New Square Kashrus Council]
• White fish: White fish heads are free of infestation concern.
• Salmon/Baby salmon: Salmon heads [even farm raised] are commonly infested with salmon lice (small brownish parasites ranging in size from approximately 1-3 cm).
· The entire gills must be removed. (It may be easier to first cut the head in half before cleaning).
· Rinse the head thoroughly with water while rubbing all surfaces of the head (inside and outside), including all cracks, crevices and folds, and under and around the tongue. Inspect the head to make sure it is clean.
One who wants to avoid the checking process may just rinse the head and cook the head in a separate pot, take a small piece from the flesh of the head, and visually inspect it before eating to make sure there is no foreign object on it.
• Carp: Carp heads may be infested with very small transparent insects called Argulus that are very hard to detect. There is no known method to clean infested carp heads properly, and they should not be used unless checked by an expert.

BLACK EYED PEAS are often infested and require careful checking. The following is the Star-K procedure for checking dried, canned or frozen black eyed peas, and applies even if the product bears Kashrus certification. (Note: All canned peas and beans always require Kashrus certification, for general Kashrus concerns.)
• Dried black eyed peas should first be boiled in water. After they have been fully cooked, turn off the flame and allow the peas to soak in the water for 2-3 hours. The peas will swell and the peel will become translucent. Then check as below.
• Canned or frozen black eyed peas may be checked straight out of the can/bag; there is no need to boil or soak.
• To check (all types): Take the peas and inspect for holes or dark-colored stains, as this may indicate an insect beneath the thin peel. If there is a dark spot on the peel, remove the thin skin and check if there is a cavity with a bug in it. (The black “eye” spot is not a sign of infestation. Similarly, orange colored stains on the surface are not signs of infestation; only dark or black stains are of concern.)
[Note: For those who prefer not to rely on checking, some Poskim advise that the Rosh Hashana simanim custom can be fulfilled without eating the item, by placing it on the table and looking at it.]

In addition to TRADER JOE’S brand of CHOCOLATE BROOKLYN BABKA and HALF MOON COOKIES that are Pas Yisroel, as listed in the August KosherGram, Trader Joe’s new CINNAMON BROOKLYN BABKA variety with OU Pareve is also Pas Yisroel (not Yoshon).
Many BENTON’S CHOCOLATE CHIP and SANDWICH COOKIES at Aldi , which in the past were OU Pareve, have changed or are changing to OU-D. Check each package for its correct status. We are researching whether the OU-D indicates actual dairy or only dairy equipment. (They are not Pas Yisroel.)

We Wish All a K’siva v’Chasima Tova