About the Council of Orthodox Rabbis
Established in 1948, the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, popularly known as the Vaad Harabbonim, is the Detroit community’s Orthodox rabbinic body dedicated to providing communal services that support Torah community living. The Vaad includes a Rabbinic Council, professional staff, and lay leaders from the Orthodox Jewish community of Greater Detroit.
Divisions of the Vaad

Rabbi Moshe Wainkrantz, Director of the Council of Orthodox Rabbis, studied at Telshe Chicago and Brisk Yerushalayim, and arrived to Detroit as one of the founding members of Kollel Bais Yehudah. He received semicha from Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, and from Rav Moshe Heinemann of Baltimore. Rabbi Wainkrantz joined the administration of the Vaad in 2017. He can be reached at (248) 559 – 5005 x101 or mwainkrantz@cordetroit.com.
Rabbi Beryl Broyde has been associated with the Vaad’s kosher supervision for over 30 years. He is deeply involved with researching commerical and retail products and their ingredients. He also assembles information for the K-COR kashrus alerts and annual Pesach Gram. Rabbi Broyde can be reached via the Kosher Information Line at (248) 559 – 5005 x103 or bbroyde@cordetroit.com.
Rabbi Yosef Krupnik, Kashrus Administrator of the Vaad’s K-COR Kosher Certification division, has been with the Vaad for over 20 years. He can be reached at (248) 559 – 5005 x102 or ykrupnik@cordetroit.com.
Mrs. Malka (Regina) Blumenfeld is Administrative Assistant for the Council of Orthodox Rabbis. She can be reached at mblumenfeld@cordetroit.com.