2019-12-30 Vaad Statement PDF available to view.
כ”א אדר תש”פ
March 17, 2020
COVID-19 Virus Statement from the Vaad Harabbonim
One of the most difficult challenges facing our community with the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, and the requirement of social distancing, is its impact on our avodah as a tzibbur. Tefilla B’tzibbur, Torah shiurim and pilpul chaveirim are the lifelines of our nation. Indeed, the Rabbonim of the Detroit community have hesitated and refrained from closing the shuls for as long as possible. Closing a shul is not just another measure, it requires great thought. But with recent developments, and the expected return of many students from out of town, the regular continuation of minyanim poses a risk to the health and lives of the members of our surrounding community.
With much difficulty and sadness, the Rabbonim have decided that all shuls in the community close to the public until further notice. Everyone should daven alone at home at the time that the minyan would normally take place. No minyanim should be held at homes.
Although we may not be going to shul, now in particular is a time to strengthen our Tefila. While we may not meet in a Beis Hamedrash, we must dedicate ourselves to Limud Hatorah. Everyone is encouraged to seek the many available options of learning at home.
May הקב”ה continue to protect us from all harm, אמן כן יהי רצון