2020-4-3 Zmanim PDF available to view.

*Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the collective voice of the Rabbonim is unequivocal that absolutely no Minyanim should be held in the Detroit Jewish community, whether in a Shul, Yeshiva, Kollel, a private home, outdoors or any other location. Convening a Minyan at this time severely undermines efforts at containment, and puts lives in danger.

Shabbos HaGadol/Pesach Davening and Halachic Instructions at Home

On Shabbos, Yom Tov and Weekday, certain parts of Tefillah are omitted when davening individually, including Kaddish, Barchu, Cahzaras ha-Shatz, Kedusha and Hotza’as ve-Hachnosas Sefer Torah.

Tachanun is not recited during Chodesh Nisan and many have the custom to recite the Parsha of the Nasi each of the first thirteen days of Nisan.

On Shabbos we omit on Friday night the Bracha Achas Me’ein Shevah (Magen Avos) after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv. In addition, on Shabbos day, Ashkenazim omit the second Yekum Perkan and Mishaberach. Since it is Chodesh Nisan, we do not recite Av Harachamim prior to Musaf and Tzidkashcha Tzedek during Mincha.

On days when there is Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) it is appropriate to read the Kriah from a Chumash, with the trop if possible. Similarly, on Shabbos and Yom Tov, the Haftorah, with the trop, should be read as well. No Berachos should be recited on the Torah reading or the Haftorah.


• Plag Hamincha is at 6:42 pm. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time. All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall.
• Zman candle lighting is at 7:44 pm. Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:02 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:09 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:47 am or 10:23 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:27 am (Gr”a).
• This Shabbos we read Parshas Tzav. The Haftorah is the special Haftorah for Shabbos HaGadol from Sefer Malachi (3:4-24, repeating verse 23 at the end).
• Some have the custom to read the Haggadah on Shabbos afternoon from Avadim HaYinu until L’Chaper al Avonoseinu.
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:08 pm.
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:03 pm. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 8:46 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:15 pm) Havdalah should not be recited before then.
• The final time to recite Kiddush Levana is the entire night following Tuesday, April 7.


• Mincha should be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:07 pm.
• Tzeis HaKochavim (nightfall) is at 8:50 pm.
• Bedikas Chametz (searching for Chametz) is after 8:50 pm starting with the bracha al biur chametz and then recite the night-time “bitul” formula found in the Haggadah.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:03 am.
• In addition to Tachanun, we omit Mizmor Lesodah and Lamenatzeach
• The firstborn have a custom to fast or they may participate in a Siyum. They should then eat something after the Siyum in celebration. This will exempt them from fasting the rest of the day. Many of the Shuls will be broadcasting a Siyum in real time on a conference call and/or zoom, Everyone should contact their Rav and Shul for more details.
• The latest time to eat chametz is at 10:59 am.
• One should dispose of chametz before 12:17 pm. After you dispose (flush down toilet) or burn the chametz recite the daytime “bitul” found in the Haggadah.
• One should not eat matzah at all on Erev Pesach. Egg Matzah may be eaten until 11:00 am. Products containing matzah meal that are baked (e.g. matzah meal cake) may not be eaten all day Erev Pesach. Products that are cooked/boiled with matzah meal (e.g. kneidlach or gefilte fish) may be eaten until 4:52 pm. After 4:52 pm one may still snack on meat, fish, salad, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables etc., but one should not fill up on these items so as to ensure a hearty appetite at the seder.
• Make an Eruv Tavshilin before Candle lighting.
• Candle lighting (lehadlik ner shel yom tov and shehechiyanu) is at 7:49 pm.
• Mincha should be completed by Shkiah (sunset) at 8:07 pm.
• For those who have the custom to say Hallel with a bracha in shul on Pesach night there are different opinions whether it is recited at home when Davening privately. Everyone should contact their Rov for guidance and clarification.
• The recitation of Kiddush at the Seder should not be until 8:52 pm.
• The Afikoman should be eaten by Chatzos at 1:34 am.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:01 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:41 am or 10:17 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:23 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, full Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Bo in Sefer Shemos (12:21-51). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:16-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Yehoshua (3:5-7, 5:2-15, 6:1, and 6:27).
• When Davening at home without a Minyan we do not recite Tefillas Tal. Following your individual Amidah, however, one may recite the Piyut section of the Tefilla beginning with T’Homos.
• Those who recite Morid HaTal throughout the summer should begin to do so when they recite Musaf. Those who do NOT recite Morid Hatal during the summer should continue to recite Mashiv Haruach U’Morid HaGeshem during Musaf and begin to change at Mincha. According to Rav Asher Eisenberger, when Davening Musaf after 2:08 pm (Mincha Gedolah), even if you Daven Nusach Ashkenaz, you should recite Morid Hatal in Musaf and then leave it out starting at Mincha. During Mincha, in all circumstances, we no longer recite Mashiv Haruach U’Morid HaGeshem.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:08 pm.
• Candle Lighting (Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu) as well as all preparations for the Seder and the start of the Seder itself should not occur until Tzeis HaKochavim at 8:52 pm (Rabeinu Tam at 9:21 pm).
• Regarding reciting Hallel at home following Maariv, please see what is written above under Erev Pesach.
• We begin to count SEFIRAS HAOMER after 8:52 pm.
• The Afikoman should be eaten by Chatzos at 1:34 am.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:00 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:40 am or 10:16 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:22 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchs Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, full Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshos Emor in Sefer Vayikra (22:22-23;44). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:16-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Melachim II (23:1-9 and 23:21-25).
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before 8:09 pm.
• Plag HaMincha is at 6:47 pm. Those making an early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles after that time. Please don’t forget to repeat all three paragraphs of Krias Shema after 8:53 pm
• Zman candle lighting for Shabbos Chol Hamoed is at 7:51 pm.
• We do not recite Kabbalos Shabbos, rather we recite Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbos and Hashem Moloch followed by Maariv.
• During Maariv please remember to recite Ya’ale V’Yavo during the regular Shabbos Shemoneh Esrei.
• Please don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer starting at 8:53 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:58 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:39 am or 10:15 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:21 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Shabbos, Birchas Krias Shema of Shabbos, Shacharis Amidah for Shabbos with Ya’ale V’Yavo, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim with additions for Shabbos and Pesach.
• One may recite Shir Hashirim at home.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Ki Sisa in Sefer Shemos (33:12-34:26). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25), The Haftorah is from Sefer Yechezkel (37:1-14).
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before 8:10 pm.
• Don’t forget to eat your Erev Tavshilin on Shabbos.
• During Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv, we begin to recite V’sen Bracha in the Bracha of Bareich Aleinu. Please also remember to recite Ata Chonantanu and Y’ale V’yavo.
• Shabbos concludes at 8:55 pm. (Rabbenu Tam at 9:23 pm). Havdalah should not be recited before then. Please don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer at that time, as well.

• Yaaleh Veyavo in Amidah followed by half Hallel with a Bracha (if you wear Tefillin on Chol Hamoed make sure to remove them before Hallel). We omit Mizmor Lesodah, Tachanun and Lamenatzeach. Mussaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer each night after Tzeis Hakochavim (8:56, 8:57, 8:58 pm).

• Zman candle lighting (lehadlik ner shel yom tov only, no shehechiyanu) is at 7:56 pm. Plag, early Shabbos, candle lighting is at 6:50 pm. Don’t forget to repeat all three paragraphs of Krias Shema after 8:58 pm.
• Sefiras Haomer is after 8:58 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:51 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:36 am or 10:12 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:19 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Beshalach in Sefer Shemos (13:17-15:26). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Shmuel II (22:1-51).
• When Davening at home without a Minyan we do not recite Kah Keili.
• Musaf for the Shalosh Regalim.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:07 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:15 pm.
• Candle Lighting (Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov but no Shehechiyanu) as well as all preparations for the last day of Pesach and Sefiras Haomer should not occur until Tzeis HaKochavim (nightfall) at 9:00 pm (Rabeinu Tam at 9:28 pm).

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:50 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:35 am or 10:11 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:18 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Re’eh in Sefer Devarim (15:19-16:17). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Yeshayahu (10:32-12:6).
• When Davening at home one may recite Yizkor. Please remember the most important aspect of Yizkor is to pledge and commit to giving Tzedakah.
• Musaf for the Shalosh Regalim.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:07 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:16 pm.
• Yom Tov concludes at 9:01 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:29 pm). Sefiras Haomer should be recited at that time. Havdalah should not be recited before then.
• Please check with your Rav as to when one can assume that Chametz which was sold prior to Pesach has been repurchased and can then be used.


• Plag Hamincha is at 6:53 pm. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time. All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall at 9:02 pm.
• Zman candle lighting is at 7:59 pm. Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:17 pm.
• Sefiras Haomer should be counted after 9:02 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:47 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:33 am or 10:09 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:17 am (Gr”a).
• This Shabbos we read Parshas Shemini. The Haftorah is from Sefer Shmuel II (6:1-7:17).
• Birchas Hachodesh is recited this week as it is Shabbos Mevarchim. (Rosh Chodesh Iyar yihyeh b’yom HaShishi u’v’yom HaShabbos Kodesh). The Molad will be Wednesday night, April 22 in Yerushalayim at 10:58 pm and 12 Chalakim.
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:07 pm.
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:18 pm. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 9:04 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:31 pm) Havdalah and Sefiras Haomer should not be recited before then.