Posts by: "Vaad Harabbonim"

2023-1-25 Kashrus Notice PDF

TRADER JOE’S ORGANIC TRI-COLOR BELL PEPPERS [3 count], that is now being sold in the Detroit area, states “Product of Israel / Mexico”. Terumos and Maaseros should be taken separately from each individual pepper (without a bracha).

2023-12-6 Kashrus Notice PDF

Some MANISCHEWITZ CHOCOLATE COINS bags [lot code 2283] labeled  as Dark Chocolate Coins – OU Pareve, actually contain OU Dairy  Cholov Yisroel Milk Chocolate coins. Consumers can easily identify if  the chocolate coins in a bag are dairy or pareve by looking at the  color of the foil covering the coins. Chocolate coins wrapped in gold  colored foil are dairy [and are in blue netting bags]. Chocolate coins  wrapped in silver colored foil are pareve [and are in red netting bags].  


PELLEH POULTRY CORP. BEEF and POULTRY PRODUCTS packaged between October 25  and November 20, 2023 have been recalled due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination, detected by Pelleh Poultry’s laboratory testing. There have been no  confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Details are  available at–recalls-ready-eat-beef-and-poultry products-due-possible or 845-425-4559.

2023-11-30 KosherGram PDF

GEFEN dried GARBANZO BEANS (CHICK PEAS) in 16 oz. bags with Best By dates of 08-28-25, 09-11-25, and 10-02-25 have been found to be infested, and should not be used.

ALDI FRESH TILAPIA FILLETS are not acceptable because they do not have Kashrus certification and are sold without skin / scales. Aldi’s FRESH FARM-RAISED SALMON, however, that is plain, unseasoned and vacuum-sealed, has skin / scales on one side and is acceptable even without certification. [“Farm-Raised” is stated in fine print on the back.] This includes Aldi’s Atlantic Salmon Portion and Fillet, Norwegian Atlantic Salmon Portion, and Coho Salmon Portion.

FERRARA CANDY CO. products, including Jaw Busters [Jawbreakers], Atomic Fireballs, and others, are no longer under UMK certification, and have not been for quite some time. The individually wrapped Jaw Busters currently being sold, that bear the UMK symbol, may have been produced after the termination of the certification, and are not recommended.    

KOSHER / NON-KOSHER VERSIONS: Consumers should be aware that there are instances of almost identical meat items, with the same manufacturer and brand names, where one item is Kosher certified and the other is non-Kosher. This causes confusion and mistakes. Always check each package for Kashrus certification. 

Following are two examples:

  • “BRAD’S ORGANIC” CHICKEN BROTH (32 oz. containers) – The “Low Fat” version bears “OU Meat”. The “Fat Free / Low Sodium” version bears no Kosher marking and is not Kosher. It was recently mistakenly sold at a Kosher store in Illinois. 
  • IMAGINE CHICKEN BROTH was in the past produced in both “Kosher” and non-Kosher versions. The Kosher version has been discontinued, but some on-line sites are still advertising the product as Kosher, and it was recently mistakenly sold at a Kosher store in Michigan. 

WELCH’S GRAPE JUICE with a K is not an Orthodox supervision and should not be considered Kosher.

OFF THE EATEN PATH CHICKPEA VEGGIE CRISPS, with specific lot numbers, may contain undeclared milk ingredients due to the unintended presence of caramel seasoned crisps. Details are available at  or 844-683-7284.

The following product contains dairy ingredients and is certified OU Dairy. Some labels mistakenly bear a plain OU without the D:


The following products bear unauthorized Kashrus marking on some labels:

  • MOORE’S ORIGINAL TERIYAKI MARINADE – unauthorized OU symbol.
  • SADAF CHARGRILLED ARTICHOKES – 9.5 oz. jars – unauthorized Star-K symbol. [Star-K does not certify artichoke hearts due to insect infestation.]
  • ARIZONA GRAPEADE FRUIT JUICE COCKTAIL sold in Israel – bears an added label with an unauthorized Kof-K symbol. This product is not Kosher.
  • AGUR WINERY – various wines imported by Israeli Wine Direct, LLC / Levantara Imports display the words “Certified by OK Kosher” in Hebrew. OK Kosher has not certified Agur Winery since 2014.


WANABANA APPLE CINNAMON FRUIT PUREE POUCHES, SCHNUCKS CINNAMON APPLESAUCE POUCHES and WEIS CINNAMON APPLESAUCE POUCHES have been recalled due to extremely elevated lead levels that have sickened a number of children. Details are available at

CANTALOUPE and PINEAPPLE SPEARS products have been recalled due to a serious Salmonella Outbreak. Most of these products are past their Best By dates and are no longer in stores, but some consumers store or freeze them for later use. See details at  and .

CRUSH ORANGE SODA with a specific lot number has been recalled due to plastic material in the product. Details are available at

SIMILAC PROBIOTIC TRI-BLEND RECALL and FDA warning regarding probiotics for hospitalized preterm infants:

See   and,longer%20available%20in%20the%20US

2023-11-2 Kashrus Notice PDF


Instacart services have recently become available at The Grove. Please note that the Grove departments certified by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit (see below) are certified in-store only. Halachically, a food item which is entrusted or sent in the hands of a non-Shomer Shabbos generally requires one or two seals (depending on the nature of the concern) to ensure that the item was not exchanged. At this point, the Vaad does not certify that the items are properly sealed. Consumers should be mindful of this when considering using Instacart services.

Only the following Grove departments are supervised by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, as posted at the entrance to the store:

  • Deli Dept.
  • Superior Meat Dept.
  • Fresh Bakery Dept.
  • Pizza Stop
  • Sushi Dept.
  • Repackaged Bulk Candies bearing the K-COR symbol

All other products must be checked by the consumer for a reliable Kashrus certification on each label.

2023-10-31 KosherGram PDF

PREWASHED BRANDS OF ICEBERG GARDEN SALAD that normally bear OK Kosher certification, such as Dole and Marketside [Walmart], have been found recently without the OK symbol on some bags. This is due to increased infestation levels in some batches. Every bag should always be checked for the OK symbol. (This also applies to Aldi’s Little Salad Bar brand, and to Coleslaw products.)

WINES FROM ISRAEL of Shemitah years (e.g., 2022 or 2015 vintages) are being sold in the U.S., and should be avoided due to Shemitah restrictions. Some of these wines normally bear acceptable certifications in other years, but on Shemitah product their certification differs. Check each bottle carefully.

THE GROVE KOSHER FOOD MARKET [One Stop]: Only the following Grove departments are supervised by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, as posted at the entrance to the store:

  • Deli Dept.
  • Superior Meat Dept.
  • Fresh Bakery Dept.
  • Pizza Stop
  • Sushi Dept.
  • Repackaged Bulk Candies bearing the K-COR symbol

All other products must be checked by the consumer for a reliable Kashrus certification on each label.

MOUNTAIN DEW VooDEW 2023 MYSTERY FLAVOR Limited Edition soda, regular and Zero Sugar, is Kosher and pareve (no symbol required).

KENDAMIL BABY FORMULAS sold in the U.S. currently, all types, are not certified Kosher. Kendamil regular baby formulas [not Organic, and not Goat] made in the UK, including First Infant, Follow-On and Toddler, are KLBD {London Beth Din] certified as Dairy non-Cholov Yisroel even without the KLBD symbol, provided that the can states on the bottom “Country of Origin: UK”. These Kosher types are not available in the U.S., but can be ordered at . A Cholov Yisroel version is also available at that link.

OASIS MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE TABOULE SALAD is currently not Star-K certified, and the Star-K symbol on the label should be covered with a sticker. Some packages mistakenly still display the Star-K; they should not be considered Kosher.

The following products contain dairy ingredients and are certified OU Dairy. Some labels mistakenly bear a plain OU without the D:


The following products bear an unauthorized OU symbol on some packages. They are not OU certified:


ELDEN FOODS (Kaysville, Utah) honey products are not EarthKosher certified. Some labels bear an unauthorized EarthKosher symbol.


WANABANA APPLE  CINNAMON FRUIT PUREE POUCHES have been recalled due to possible extremely elevated lead levels. Details are available at

CHEF’S LINE PEANUT BUTTER TOFFEE BARS, a Foodservice item distributed by US Foods, with specific lot numbers, has been recalled due to plastic material in the product. Details are available at

2023-10-4 Kashrus Alert PDF

IMAGINE brand CHICKEN BROTH, a non-Kosher product, was mistakenly sold at The Grove [One Stop] Kosher Market. Check your purchases. Only those Imagine broths and soups bearing the OU symbol are Kosher.
We remind consumers that only specific departments at The Grove are supervised by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis / Vaad Harabbonim, as posted at the entrance to the store. All other products must be checked by the consumer for a reliable Kashrus certification on each label.

2023-9-13 KosherGram PDF

PAS YISROEL – Part II: [See previous Pas Yisroel information in 8/31/23 KosherGram]

  • ESS IN is added to the list of K-COR establishments that are totally Pas Yisroel.
  • LILLY’S BABKA, RUGELACH and other cakes and cookies with an OU from Lilly’s Baking Company / Brooklyn Brands purchased until and including Erev Rosh Hashana (9/15/23) are Pas Yisroel. Product purchased after Rosh Hashana should not be considered Pas Yisroel.
  • S. ROSEN’S BREADS, BUNS AND ROLLS with an OU (available at Costco)  –  The following products are certified by the OU as Pas Yisroel: 100% Healthy Multi Grain Bread, 9 Grain Bread, Sour Dough Bread, County White Bread, Hawaiian Rolls. Other S. Rosen’s products with an OU are Pas Yisroel per the glow-bar method*, including Deli Style Brioche Buns that bears an ink-jetted OU symbol next to the Best If Used By date.
  • NATURAL OVENS BAKERY KETO-FRIENDLY WHITE BREAD with an OU ink jetted on the individually wrapped loaves (available at Costco) is Pas Yisroel.

* an electrical heating element turned on by the Mashgiach, which most Kashrus agencies consider Pas Yisroel. The OU, however, does not accept this as Pas Yisroel, based on the psak of Rabbi Yisroel Belsky zt’l.

DISH KOSHER CUISINE: Effective immediately, Dish Kosher Cuisine is no longer certified by the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit. 

LEROUX LIQUEURS: Following the acquisition of the Leroux liqueur brand by Phillips Distilling Company, Leroux liqueurs will no longer be certified, and new bottles do not bear the OU symbol. Check each bottle. Consumers who wish to express their desire for Kosher certification can contact the company at: .

New MOUNTAIN DEW PITCH BLACK FCB Limited Edition Slurpee syrup is Kosher and pareve (no symbol required). The label on the syrup box in the back must be checked to verify the brand and flavor. 



TRADER JOE’S MULTIGRAIN CRACKERS WITH SUNFLOWER AND FLAX SEEDS with “Best If Used By Dates” between 03 01 24 and 03 05 24 have been recalled due to pieces of metal found in the product. Details are available at or 626-599-3817.

PARENT’S CHOICE brand SENSITIVITY PREMIUM INFANT FORMULA and TIPPY TOES brand SENSITIVITY PREMIUM INFANT FORMULA with specific codes have been recalled due to an inadvertent release of rejected product to the market. Details are available at Infant formula recalled because of an inadvertent release of rejected product | Food Safety News .

We Wish All a K’siva v’Chasima Tova

2023-8-31 KosherGram PDF

PAS YISROEL: The K-COR wishes to remind consumers of the accepted custom to be stringent on Pas Yisroeduring Aseres Yemei T’shuva. Please be advised that many K-COR certified establishments produce or sell some bread and cake products that are not Pas Yisroel. Please ask the Mashgiach or call the K-COR office for details regarding specific establishments. 

  • The following establishments are totally Pas Yisroel: BAKE STATION, DAKOTA BREAD COMPANY, ZEMAN’S, JERUSALEM PIZZA, PIZZA STOP, ESS IN, PRIME 10, SPREADS BAGELS & CAFÉ, SOUL CAFÉ RESTAURANT, KAPLAN CAKES, and YODELS ‘N MORE.  At THE GROVE FRESH BAKERY dept., all items that are sold loose, or repackaged with a Grove label, are Pas Yisroel.
  • KORDAS’ BREADS, ROLLS, AND BUNS from Metropolitan Baking Co. bearing the K-COR symbol are Pas  Yisroel*, except for Kordas’ Greek Style Pita Bread which is not Kosher certified  and should have the      K-COR symbol on the back covered with a sticker.

[NOTE: Milano Bakery bread and rolls with the K-COR symbol are not Pas Yisroel.]

  • SPECIALLY SELECTED brand SMALL BATCH SOURDOUGH LOAF, SMALL BATCH ITALIAN LOAF, ITALIAN BREAD and any other Specially Selected breads at Aldi bearing a Scroll K symbol are Pas Yisroel. [Note that some Specially Selected breads bear other symbols and may not be Pas Yisroel.]
  • TRADER JOE’S brand of CHOCOLATE BROOKLYN BABKA and HALF MOON COOKIES that bear OU Pareve are Pas Yisroel. 
  • TRADER JOE’S ORGANIC FRENCH ROLLS and TRADER JOE’S ORGANIC FRENCH BAGUETTE that bear MK certification [Montreal] are Pas Yisroel*.
  • TRADER JOE’S CHALLAH – BRAIDED EGG BREAD with an Earth K symbol is Pas Yisroel, as stated on the label.

      [NOTE: Trader Joe’s Sprouted Wheat Sourdough Bread and Sprouted Wheat Multigrain Bread bearing a Star-K are not      Pas Yisroel.]

  • GOLDBERGS FINE FOODS CHALLAH TWIN PACK TRADITIONAL with an OK symbol (available at Costco) is Pas Yisroel, as stated on the label. 
  • S. ROSEN’S BREADS, BUNS AND ROLLS with an OU (available at Costco) are Pas Yisroel*.
  • KRONOS PITA BREAD with a cRc symbol is Pas Yisroel*, as stated on the label.
  • FOOD FOR LIFE EZEKIEL SPROUTED GRAIN BREADS with the Kof-K symbol are Pas Yisroel*. The Pocket Bread, however, is not Pas Yisroel.
  • MATT’S BAKERY COOKIES that bear OK Pareve are “Pas Yisroel”*, as stated on the label.

   * per the “glow-bar method” [an electrical heating element turned on by the Mashgiach], which most Kashrus agencies consider Pas Yisroel. (The OU, however, does not accept this as Pas Yisroel, based on the psak of Rabbi Yisroel Belsky zt’l.)



  • Standard honey goes through a filtering process, which removes the non-Kosher bee parts. Even “raw and unfiltered” honey is usually strained to remove the bee parts. However, some completely unprocessed honeys are neither filtered nor strained. If the label or the manufacturer states that the honey is not strained, or if bee parts are visible, that honey should be avoided.
  • Forest honey”, “Honeydew honey”, and “Beechwood honey” (or honey named after other types of trees such as Pine, Fir, Oak, etc.), generally refer to honey produced by bees that have consumed the non-Kosher excretions of aphids and scale insects left on trees (as opposed to standard honey produced from flower nectar). These are not considered Kosher according to some opinions, and should be avoided. Melipona honey should also be avoided.
  • “Royal Jelly” is a bee product that, unlike regular honey, is an actual secretion of the bee. Some Poskim therefore rule that it is not included in the permitted category of “honey”, and it should be avoided.


  • The Farmed Trout fish heads now being sold at Superior Kosher Meats are completely fresh water raised, and do not need to be checked for lice.
  • Rainbow Trout from Norway are heavily infested, and require thorough cleaning and checking [see below].

The following is from New Square Kashrus Council:

  • White fish: White fish heads are free of infestation concern.
  • Salmon/Baby Salmon: Salmon heads [even farm raised] are commonly infested with salmon lice (brownish parasites ranging in size from approximately 1-3 cm).

             ·   The entire gills must be removed. (It may be easier to first cut the head in half before cleaning).

             ·   Rinse the head thoroughly with water while rubbing all surfaces of the head (inside and outside), including all cracks, crevices and folds, and under and around the tongue. Inspect the head to make sure it is clean.

One who wants to avoid the checking process may just rinse the head and cook the head in a separate pot, take a small piece from the flesh of the head, and visually inspect it before eating to make sure there is no foreign object on it. 

  • Carp: Carp heads may be infested with very small transparent insects called Argulus that are very hard to detect. There is no known method to clean infested carp heads properly, and they should not be used unless checked by an expert.

BLACK EYED PEAS are often infested and require careful checking. The following is based on the Star-K procedure for checking dried, canned or frozen black eyed peas, and applies even if the product bears Kashrus certification. (Note: All canned peas and beans always require Kashrus certification, for general Kashrus concerns.) 

  • Dried black eyed peas should first be boiled in water. After they have been fully cooked, turn off the flame and allow them to soak in the water for 2-3 hours.  The peas will swell and the peel will become translucent. Then check as below.
  • Canned or frozen black eyed peas may be checked straight out of the can/bag; there is no need to boil or soak.
  • To check (all types): Take the black eyed peas and inspect for holes or dark-colored stains, as this may indicate an insect beneath the thin peel.  If there is a dark spot on the peel, remove the thin skin and check if there is a cavity with a bug in it. (The black “eye” spot is not a sign of infestation.  Similarly, orange colored stains on the surface are not signs of infestation; only dark or black stains are of concern.)

[Note: For those who prefer not to rely on checking, some Poskim advise that the Rosh Hashana simanim custom can be fulfilled without eating the item, by placing it on the table and looking at it.]


DOLE GARDEN SALAD: Some 12 oz. bags sold recently at The Grove and other stores do not bear an OK symbol, due to an infestation issue. Check each bag. All Dole Salads always need to be checked for the OK symbol on each bag.

OASIS MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE TABOULE SALAD is currently not Star-K certified, and the Star-K symbol on the label is covered with a sticker.

VERNORS BLACK CHERRY GINGER SODA – LIMITED EDITION, available in Michigan and the Toledo, Ohio area, is Kosher and pareve (no symbol required).

JALAPENO SEASONED PISTACHIOS from Vacaville Fruit CompanyUpdate from Star-K:  This product correctly bears a Star-K symbol and is certified Pareve; it does not contain any dairy. 

KRINOS FETA CHEESE produced in Greece bears an unauthorized Kof-K symbol. Product with a production date of Jan. 1, 2023 and beyond should be considered nonKosher regardless of it bearing a Kof-K symbol. Anyone who finds this item is requested to notify the Kof-K office at 201-837-0500 #2143

SECRET ISLAND SALMON HOT DOGS, sold online, bear an unauthorized Kof-K symbol. This product is not Kosher.

STRONGER SNACKS PROTEIN SNACKS bear an unauthorized Star-K or Star-D symbol. Stronger Snacks is not certified by Star-K or Star-D.

SHIN GOLD YAKI SUSHI NORI ROASTED SEAWEED distributed by BNT Int’l Trading bears an unauthorized Star-K symbol.

PASTENE brand PICKLED VEGETABLES GIARDINIERA bears an unauthorized KVH symbol.


SOFT SERVE ON THE GO” ICE CREAM and SORBET CUPS from Real Kosher Ice Cream of Brooklyn, NY, all flavors, have been recalled due to contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, that has been linked to two hospitalizations. Details are available at  or  845-668-4346.

ICE CREAM HOUSE brand ICE CREAM and SORBET products have been recalled due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. Details are available at or 845-445-7644.

KROGER brand frozen SUPER SWEET CUT CORN and frozen MIXED VEGETABLES  have been recalled due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. Details are available at or 360-629-5678.

NESTLÉ TOLL HOUSE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH “break and bake” bars with two specific batch codes have been recalled due to the potential presence of wood fragments. Details are available at  or  800-681-1678.

                           We Wish All a K’siva v’Chasima Tova


2023-7-25 KosherGram PDF

THE CHODOSH SEASON is fast approaching for Oats, Spring Wheat and Barley. Chodosh Oats may be on the market in the beginning of August, and Spring Wheat and Barley shortly thereafter. Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season should do so now. Please note that all grain and flour products that will be stored should be refrigerated to avoid insect infestation.

RITA’S ITALIAN ICE & FROZEN CUSTARD OF FARMINGTON HILLS at 11 Mile & Middlebelt is under supervision of the Vaad Harabbonim / Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, as Dairy non-Cholov Yisroel. Many flavors of the Italian Ices contain only pareve ingredients, but may contain traces of dairy; a list is posted at the store. Cream Ices are Dairy.

ICE CREAM and FROZEN YOGURT STORES often claim that they are Kosher and may post Kosher certification letters, which leads consumers to believe that the store and its products are under supervision. In fact, in most cases, the letters refer only to specific products or ingredients which are factory produced under supervision, and are certified only when in their original sealed packaging bearing Kosher marking. Once the unsupervised store opens the packaging, the certification is no longer valid. Unless the consumer verifies that there is actual on-site reliable Rabbinical supervision of the entire individual retail store, no ice cream, yogurt, syrups or toppings should be considered Kosher except for those in their original sealed containers bearing a reliable Kosher certification.

The following are some stores in our area that are not under supervision: Clark’s Ice Cream and Yogurt, Haagen-Dazs, Menchie’s, Oberweis, and TCBY.

It is always preferable to buy at fully supervised stores. Locally, soft serve Cholov Yisroel ice cream is available at Jerusalem Pizza and Soul Cafe. Hard pack Cholov Yisroel ice cream is available at Spreads Bagels & Café. Hard pack non-Cholov Yisroel ice cream and yogurt is available at Baskin-Robbins/Dunkin’ Donuts at 10 Mile & Greenfield in Oak Park (which is K-COR certified for all products). Packaged Cholov Yisroel ice cream is available at The Grove Kosher Market and Lincoln Liquor.

If it is necessary to purchase hard pack ice cream or yogurt from an unsupervised store, the consumer should request and see a sealed container before it is opened, and check for the Kosher certification mark on the container. In addition, the scoop should be thoroughly washed.

Soft serve ice cream or yogurt should not be purchased from an unsupervised store, because of the inability to verify that Kosher mix was put into the machine. 

KORDAS’ brand BREADS, ROLLS AND BUNS from Metropolitan Baking Co. are K-COR certified and Pas Yisroel (glow-plug method), even if the label does not bear the K-COR symbol, except GREEK STYLE PITA BREAD which is presently not certified Kosher and should have the K-COR symbol on the back covered with a sticker. 

ROSEN’S DELI STYLE BRIOCHE BUNS (sold at Costco) bears an ink-jetted symbol similar to an OU next to the Best If Used By date. This product is in fact OU certified (and Pas Yisroel – glow-plug method).

DUM-DUMS LOLLIPOPS in all flavors are OU certified, and bear the OU symbol both on the outer bag and on each individual wrapper, except for the “Mystery Pop” flavor which does not have an OU on its wrapper, but is nevertheless OU certified. 

SPRING VALLEY POTATO BLINTZES with Lot # 1513MMR7831RE on the side of the box may actually contain cheese blintzes (non-Cholov Yisroel), and has been recalled from stores. If you have a package at home, check it before preparing it to be sure it is potato and not cheese.

COLONNA RANCH SEASONING contains milk and is certified OU Dairy, but mistakenly bears only a plain OU without a D.

BEST OF THAILAND HOISIN SAUCE bears an unauthorized MK / Manchester Beth Din symbol.

WILD SMOKED SOCKEYE SALMON from Tony’s Smokehouse & Cannery and ALASKA SMOKED SALMON from Alaska Rainforest Sanctuary bear an unauthorized KSA symbol. These products are not Kosher certified.


TRADER JOE’S ALMOND WINDMILL COOKIES with Sell-By dates 10/19/23 through 10/21/23, and TRADER JOE’S DARK CHOCOLATE CHUNK and ALMOND COOKIES with Sell-By dates 10/17/23 through 10/21/23 have been recalled because they may contain rocks. Details are available at or 626-599-3817.

ROLLER BALL and ROLLER DIPPER CANDIES have been recalled after a choking incident with a 7 year old Lakewood boy, when the white ball inside detached and was swallowed. Details are available at

MARTINELLI’S GOLD MEDAL APPLE JUICE in 10 oz. apple shaped glass bottles has been recalled due to potential glass chips in the product. Details are available at Martinelli’s apple juice recalled over potential glass chips in the product | Food Safety News

NEWLY WEDS FOODS BATTER MIXES, BREADERS, SEASONING RUBS, MARINADES and more [commercial products] have been recalled due to possible Salmonella contamination. Details are available at

2023-6-30 KosherGram PDF

BELL PEPPERS and MINI PEPPERS of all colors, domestic and imported, have recently been found to have a high level of infestation on their exterior surface, especially around the stem. Kashrus agencies are recommending the following procedure:

  1.  Remove and discard the stem/crown section.
  2. Turn the pepper upside down and wash the entire surface, including the crevices and the bottom depression, under a strong stream of water while rubbing with one’s fingers.
  3.  If the crevices and/or the bottom depression are not entirely reachable, first cut the pepper at its length into four and then wash as described above. Alternatively, use a small brush while washing.
  4. Peppers should not be cooked, roasted, or eaten whole with the stem/crown section still attached.

THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher and pareve (no symbol required): 


THE FOLLOWING NEW LIMITED EDITION SODAS are Kosher and pareve and bear an OU on the bottle cap or engraved into the can lid:

  • COCA-COLA ULTIMATE – regular and Zero Sugar
  • SPRITE LYMONADE LEGACY with Strawberry Lemonade flavor [also bears an OU on the label] 

COCA-COLA, SPRITE and FANTA SODAS in 12 oz. glass bottles that say Product of Mexico are not certified and are not recommended.

Many TRADER JOE’S ORGANIC LOLLIPOPS that are offered locally to children at the checkout counters do not bear Kosher marking. Only those bearing the Kof-K symbol should be accepted as Kosher.

FRIENDLY FARMS ALMOND MILK, COCONUT MILK and OAT MILK sold at Aldi bear a plain OU on some containers and are pareve (mfd. at Plant # JP). Other containers bear OU-D and are dairy equipment (Plant # 18-388). Check each container carefully.                      

McCORMICK BUTTER EXTRACT With Other Natural Flavors is certified OU Dairy, but mistakenly bears only a plain OU without a D on some packages.

JALAPENO SEASONED PISTACHIOS from Vacaville Fruit Company mistakenly bears a Star-K symbol on the label and on the company website. This product contains small traces of dairy and should bear a Star-D (non-Cholov Yisroel).

TIDBITS MERINGUES COOKIES [Fun Bites] bear an unauthorized HKA symbol on some packages. In addition, any packages that bear an OU symbol are also unauthorized.


The following PRIVATE SELECTION” FROZEN FRUIT PRODUCTS sold at Kroger and Kroger operated stores with specific date codes have been recalled due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. Details are at  or 503-512-1317.  


FROZEN STRAWBERRIES – Potential Hepatitis A Virus contamination. Various brands, including in Michigan:  Great Value [Walmart] (including Sliced Strawberries and Mixed Fruit), Simply Nature [Aldi], and Made-With [Meijer Woodward Corner Market]  

2023-6-7 KosherGram PDF

SUGAR SNAP PEAS and SNOW PEAS: Last year it was discovered that these are infested with thrips on the outside of the pods. Currently, there are various opinions among the Kashrus agencies regarding washed, unwashed and frozen types, with some not recommending their use, and others allowing them with certain washing procedures. Regarding unwashed types, at the very minimum the following procedure is required:

  1.  Agitate the snap/snow peas in soapy water for 30 seconds.
  2.  Let them soak in the soapy water for at least one minute.
  3.  Rinse very thoroughly under a strong stream of water.

THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher and pareve (no symbol required): 

  • MOUNTAIN DEW SUMMER FREEZE Limited Edition regular and Zero Sugar
  • PEPSI X PEEPS Marshmallow Flavored Pepsi – Limited Edition

THE FOLLOWING NEW SLURPEE SYRUPS are Kosher and pareve (no symbol required):


[Note: The flavor cards posted on the Slurpee machines in front cannot be relied upon to determine the Kosher status of the Slurpee, because they often do not show the correct brand and variety of the syrup that is actually in the machine. The above information is for the benefit of Kashrus Supervisors and consumers who inspect, with permission of store management, the labels on the 2.5 / 5 gal. bag-in-boxes of syrups in the back of the store, which feed the Slurpee machines.]

HARD MOUNTAIN DEW ZERO SUGAR MALT BEVERAGE in several flavors is Kosher when bearing the Star-K symbol.

JACK DANIEL’S TENNESSEE WHISKEY “MIXED WITH COCA-COLA” RTD [pre-mixed ready to drink in cans], regular and Zero Sugar, is certified OU pareve (even without OU symbol). However, Jack Daniels Whiskey products with “Cola”, without the “Coca-Cola” brand name (such as Whiskey & Cola, or Black Jack Cola), are not certified.

SNAPPLE ELEMENTS “FIRE” DRAGON FRUIT JUICE DRINK contains grape juice. It is not Kosher certified and does not bear an OK. Only those Snapple drinks that bear the OK symbol are Kosher. (Also check for their pareve / dairy status. A plain OK symbol indicates pareve;  OK-D = dairy;  OK-DE = dairy equipment.)

MARSHMALLOW FLUFF mfg. by Durkee-Mower, Inc. does not bear an OU symbol on some 16 oz. containers due to a printing error, but is still Kosher and pareve.

GERBER GOOD START “GENTLE SOY” INFANT FORMULA POWDER, Stage 1 and Stage 2, are certified Kosher and pareve when bearing the OU symbol. The “DE” next to the OU on some labels is a printing error; the product is pareve. [See also Recalls below.]

MILANO BAKERY BREAD and ROLLS, K-COR certified, are no longer Pas Yisroel.

BETTER MADE CORN POPS are no longer made by a Kosher manufacturer, and no longer bear an OU.

RED GOLD TOMATO KETCHUP in 1 oz. “DUNK” [dipping] CUPS, a Foodservice item, is not OU certified and does not bear an OU. Only Red Gold products that bear the OU symbol are OU certified.

BERKLEY COFFEE on 11 Mile Rd. is a non-Kosher establishment. No products can be considered Kosher unless they are in their original sealed packaging bearing a reliable certification. Bagels come unsealed from multiple sources and are not acceptable.

PEREG BASMATI BROWN RICE, all lot codes, has been recalled due to insect infestation in the rice shell, and cannot easily be checked or cleaned by the consumer. 

SHAHIA STUFFED VINE LEAVES, produced in Turkey and distributed by Lipari Foods /Tut’s International with a production code after 4/30/2020 (on the bottom of the can), bear an unauthorized Star-K symbol.

NATURE BLESSED frozen SLICED STRAWBERRIES, distributed by Coloma Frozen Foods, Coloma, MI, bear an unauthorized cRc symbol.

KRINOS brand MANOURI [Greek] CHEESE bears an unauthorized Kashrus symbol. 

FORRELLI GRAPE JELLY bears an unauthorized KVH symbol. This product is not Kosher.

GLUTINO GLUTEN FREE OVEN BAKED BARS in Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry Acai and Strawberry flavors bearing a Scroll K symbol mistakenly contain a non-Kosher filling in some packages. Details are at .

SALENTO ORGANICS CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS bear an unauthorized Kosher Check symbol.

From FAKE KOSHER SYMBOLS designed to appear like Kosher symbols are being offered by fraudulent companies, many in Asia and particularly in India, that sell “certification” services but have no Rabbinical certification associated with them. One should not rely on a new symbol without verifying that it is from a reliable Kashrus agency. See many examples at

RECALLS in recent months (with sources for details and further information)

GOLD MEDAL UNBLEACHED ALL PURPOSE FLOUR (5 lb. and 10 lb.) and GOLD MEDAL BLEACHED ALL PURPOSE FLOUR (2 lb. and 5 lb.) with Better if Used by Dates 27MAR2024 and 28MAR2024 – potential Salmonella Infantis.                 800-230-8103 /

FROZEN ORGANIC STRAWBERRIES – Potential Hepatitis A Virus contamination. Various brands, including in Michigan:       Simply Nature [Aldi], and Made-With [Meijer Woodward Corner Market]  

TRADER JOE’S ORGANIC TROPICAL FRUIT BLEND – Potential Hepatitis A Virus contamination.             626-599-3817 /

TRADER JOE’S INSTANT COLD BREW COFFEE with Exp. date codes 6/13/2024, 11/26/2024 and 12/30/2024 – possible glass in product. / 626-599-3817.

GERBER GOOD START “SOOTHEPRO” MILK BASED INFANT FORMULA POWDER – potential Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria. 

[Note: This formula is not Kosher certified, but may be Halachically permitted upon consultation with a Rav.]            800-777-7690 /

MIGHTY SESAME ORGANIC TAHINI 10.9 oz. squeeze bottle with  Exp. date 9/25/23 – potential Salmonella contamination. /  718-369-4600.

LAY’S CLASSIC PARTY SIZE POTATO CHIPS (13 oz.) and LAY’S CLASSIC MIX AND MATCH POTATO CHIPS (15 5/8 oz.) – may contain dairy sour cream and onion potato chips.  / 800-352-4477. 

CHOMETZ may be purchased immediately after Pesach at the following stores in the Detroit area, except for Dunkin Donuts (10 & Greenfield) where chometz should not be bought until 10:10 PM, due to the Halachic requirement of  “bichdei sh’yaasu”.

It is advisable to wait two weeks after Pesach (April 28) before buying “pure” chometz products (e.g., bread, grain cereals, pasta, cookies and pretzels) at Jewish-owned stores that do not observe Pesach, even if they made a Mechiras Chometz before Pesach, due to the possibility that new chometz was received during Pesach. This includes Restaurant Depot and Natural Food Patch. It is permitted to purchase most other products immediately after Pesach, including pearled raw barley, dry cake mixes, flour (without malted barley), glue, all kitniyos, ketchup, mayonnaise, medicines, mustard, vinegar, vitamin tablets, baker’s yeast, and yeast extract.

2023-3-26 Pesach Update PDF

THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS WITHOUT PESACH MARKING were for a brief time mistakenly placed in the Pesach section at local stores (The Grove, Kroger). Check every label of your purchases for Pesach marking:


CLARIFICATION of “GROUND MEAT and PATTIES” item in the PesachGram: “Patties” refers only to unseasoned patties. Seasoned patties always require special Pesach marking.

CERES FRUIT JUICES, all varieties, are not Star-K certified for Pesach, even when bearing a Star-K P symbol.

B’GAN frozen STIR FRY VEGETABLES mistakenly bears a P next to the KAJ certification symbol. This product contains kitniyos.

Due to an error, the MEAL MART DRY RUB PASTRAMI sent in the MOADIM L’SIMCHA FOOD ORDERS is not a Kosher for Pesach product, and does not bear Pesach marking.


  • JASON GLUTEN FREE PLAIN PANKO CRUMBS with BB dates of DEC 20 2023 and AUG 04 2024
  • LANDAU GLUTEN FREE PLAIN PANKO CRUMBS with lot codes 2241 through 2245

   Consumers who have cans with other dates/codes should be alert for signs of infestation in the product or for small holes at the bottom of the can.

BABY / CHILDREN PRODUCTS:. For the convenience of our readers, we list here a summary of some commonly used Baby / Children products approved for Pesach by Rabbi Bess or other reliable sources:

Advil Junior Strength Coated Tablets

Advil Children’s Suspension – all flavors

Advil Infants’ Drops – Grape

Advil Junior Strength Coated Tablets

Benadryl Children’s Allergy liquid and Dye-Free liquid – all flavors

Enfamil D-Vi-Sol Drops, Fer-In-Sol Drops, Poly-Vi-Sol Drops, Poly-Vi-Sol Drops with Iron, Tri-Vi-Sol Drops – OU

Kosher-Meds Children’s Ibuprofen Suspension – Berry Flavor – OU

Motrin Children’s Suspension – all flavors [NOT Motrin Infants’ Drops]

Sudafed PE Children’s Nasal Decongestant – Berry

Sudafed PE Children’s Cold & Cough – Grape

Tylenol Children’s Cold + Cough + Runny Nose liquid

Tylenol Children’s Cold + Cough + Sore Throat liquid

Tylenol Children’s Suspension – all flavors

Tylenol Infants’ Suspension – all flavors MiraLax Powder

                                                                            NON-PESACH ALERT

The following VEGETABLE SOUP MIX WITH MUSHROOMS products have been found to be infested and should not be used:

  • MANISCHEWITZ brandwith lot # H2060 and BB date 03012024
  • KEMACH brandwith lot # H2264 and BB date 09212024

   Consumers who have packages with other codes/dates should be alert for signs of infestation. Product can be checked by placing the mix – without the seasoning – in a white bowl; add enough water to cover it, and allow to sit for 15-20 minutes.  If insects are present, they will float to the top.

The Vaad Harabbonim presents the online PesachGram.

The PesachGram may take a moment to load and appear. Click on the bottom icon on left of frame for fullscreen.

A PDF version of the PesachGram is also available for view and download:

PesachGram PDF

2023-2-26 KosherGram PDF

New DR PEPPER STRAWBERRIES & CREAM SODA is Kosher even without any Kashrus symbol, in both regular and Zero Sugar.

MILANO BAKERY BREAD and ROLLS, K-COR certified, are currently NOT Pas Yisroel. An update will be issued when their Pas Yisroel status resumes.

TUMS CHEWY DELIGHTS CORRECTION: The 2/2/23 KosherGram stated that this product is marked as Star-D Dairy. Actually, it bears a Diamond-K-D Dairy symbol, and is Kosher dairy.

ICEBERG LETTUCE SALAD and COLESLAW produced by DOLE under the DOLE brand name and under various private labels [store brands] normally bear the OK symbol, except when there is an issue of infestation. These labels include KROGER Brand, LITTLE SALAD BAR [Aldi], MARKETSIDE [Walmart] and others.

Currently, due to a printing problem, these products do not bear the OK symbol on some bags, and stores have a mixture of some bags with the OK symbol and some without. To determine whether a particular bag produced by Dole without the OK symbol is in fact OK approved, and does not have an infestation issue, consumers can send a picture of the product, plus a close-up of the date and lot number, to , and we will forward the information to the OK office for their determination.

  • Please note that the above list of private labels refers to product produced for them by Dole. However, these labels are sometimes also produced by different companies that are not OK certified. Product produced by Dole can be identified by the lot code under the date. The code will begin with the letter B, N, W or Y, followed by 5 numbers, followed by the letter A, B or C. (Occasionally there may be a 6th number, instead of the A, B or C.)
  • Many of the KROGER Brand CLASSIC GARDEN and KROGER Brand SHREDDED ICEBERG bags in the Detroit area currently (and possibly in other areas) are not produced by Dole and do not bear an OK symbol. They bear a different symbol, and are not recommended. The same applies to Kroger Brand Fresh Broccoli Florets, Cauliflower Florets, and Vegetable Medley.

WELLSLEY FARMS GARLIC BUTTER & HERBS SEASONING: This dairy seasoning, sold at BJ’s, bears an unauthorized OU symbol.


COSMO’S BRAND PITTED OIL CURED OLIVES produced in Morocco bears an unauthorized Star-K symbol.

The following KETO FACTORY products bear an unauthorized Oregon Kosher symbol:

  • Skinny Sweet Allulose and Monk Fruit Blend
  • Skinny Sweet Erythritol, Allulose, and Monk fruit blend
  • Rainbow Sprinkles

AMPHORA INTERNATIONAL DRIED MULBERRIES were mistakenly distributed in packaging bearing an OU symbol. This product is not OU certified.


PROSOBEE 12.9 OZ SIMPLY PLANT-BASED INFANT FORMULA POWDER with lot numbers ZL2HZF and ZL2HZZ has been recalled due to a possibility of contamination with Cronobacter bacteria, Details are available at  or 800-479-0551.

STARBUCKS FRAPPUCCINO VANILLA COFFEE DRINK in 13.7 oz. bottles with Best By dates of MAR 08 23, MAY 29 23, JUN 04 23, and JUN 10, 23 has been recalled due to a possibility of glass in the product. Details are available at or 800-211-8307.