The Vaad Harabbonim presents the online PesachGram.
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A PDF version of the PesachGram is also available for view and download:
A PDF version of the PesachGram is also available for view and download:
2025-2-12 KosherGram PDF
THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher-pareve and bear an OU on the bottle cap or engraved into the can lid:
THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher-pareve (no symbol required):
AM FRESH NORTH AMERICA GRAPEFRUIT sold at Costco are produce of Israel as stated on the plastic bag closures (and on the cases – “Jaffa / Mehadrin – Israel”), and require taking of Terumos and Maaseros.
POMEGRANATES FROM ISRAEL are available in U.S. stores, and require taking of Terumos and Maaseros. Consumers should check the stickers on the individual fruit, or the original cases, for the country of origin. Pomegranates from most countries list the country name on the sticker; those that do not are very likely from Israel, and their original case must be checked in the store.
CAROUSEL’S SOFT SERVE ICERY, despite a Kosher symbol and “Kosher” claims on its website and trucks, does not have Kashrus certification of its stores or trucks. While the company may purchase a number of Kosher certified products, their certifications apply only to the products in their original sealed packaging bearing Kosher marking. There is no supervision at the store or truck level to guarantee the Kashrus of the product in the soft serve machines, or of the repackaged or loose products.
IDAHOAN “ORIGINAL MASHED POTATOES” does not bear an OU symbol on new boxes due to a printing error, but is still certified OU Pareve.
RICOLA THROAT DROPS: The following varieties, only when sold in bags or boxes, are recommended by the cRc [Chicago Rabbinical Council]. No marking is required. They are not recommended when sold in stick-packs.
GREAT VALUE TACO SHELLS [Walmart] no longer bear the Kof-K symbol and are not certified, although online pictures may still show the symbol.
THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS ARE CERTIFIED KOSHER DAIRY. Some labels mistakenly do not bear the D designation:
NUGO DARK CHOCOLATE CHIP and NUGO DARK CHOCOLATE PRETZEL PROTEIN BARS, certified OU Pareve, have been recalled due to the presence of undeclared milk, which poses a serious health risk for consumers with dairy allergies or severe sensitivities. Details are available at or 888-421-2032. According to the OU, the small amount of milk is an allergen concern, but does not affect the Kashrus status.
TRADER JOE’S, GENOVA, VAN CAMP’S and H-E-B brands of CANNED TUNA PRODUCTS have been recalled due to possible contamination with clostridium botulinum, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning. Details are available at or 833-374-0171.
CPSC warning: HAIYEATBNB ELECTRIC IMMERSION WATER HEATERS sold on Amazon pose a risk of serious injury and death due to fire and burn hazards. Details are available at
Regarding other Zeman’s products, all are Yoshon except for the following that are not Yoshon:
2024-11-11 Kashrus Alert
The Grove [Detroit] Dark Chocolate Bridge Mix sold in the last two weeks is labeled as pareve, but mistakenly contains dairy (non-Cholov Yisroel) items. These packages can be identified by a mixture of lighter and darker colored items, and should be returned to the store for a full refund.
2024-11-7 KosherGram PDF
THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher and pareve (no symbol required):
BASKIN-ROBBINS “NON-DAIRY” ICE CREAM & SORBET FLAVORS, including Non-Dairy Cookies ‘n Crème, Non-Dairy Mint ChocoChunk, Daiquiri Ice, and Lemon Sorbet, are certified Star-D Dairy. The Star-K has confirmed that these products should be considered Dairy, and not only Dairy Equipment [DE].
L’OVEN FRESH [Aldi] SWIRL RAISIN CINNAMON BREAD with a computer generated OU symbol is OU certified (not Pas Yisroel).
ALDI SUPPLIER CHANGES: Following are some examples of Aldi products that no longer bear an OU in certain regions, due to changes in suppliers. In other areas they may still bear an OU; check each label.
GREAT VALUE [Walmart] TOMATO KETCHUP – regular: Some bottles bear an OU, while others do not. Check each bottle.
WELLSLEY FARMS [BJ’s] COCKTAIL BEEF FRANKS IN PASTRY is no longer Kosher and does not bear an OU, due to a change in suppliers.
KRAFT NATURAL CHEESE STRING CHEESE products will no longer be OU certified, and will not bear an OU-D symbol on new packages.
NATURE NATE’S POPPED SORGHUM products’ OU certification has been terminated due to Kashrus violations. All products, even when bearing the OU symbol, are not certified. [Note that Nature Nate’s Honey is made by a different company and is OU certified when bearing the OU symbol.]
VICTORIA MIXED PICKLES S.L. (SPAIN) products’ Star-K certification has been terminated for all products due to Kashrus violations.
GALIL ISRAELI MEDJOOL DATES with Beis Din Minchas Chinuch certification have been found to be infested on the outside with mites and require a thorough washing of the outside flesh, in addition to the regular checking methods recommended for dates.
FRONTIER BAKERY PUNJABI COOKIES sold at Costco with a COR [Canada] symbol are pareve. The milk ingredient listed on the label is an error.
THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS CONTAIN DAIRY INGREDIENTS and are certified Kosher Dairy. Some labels mistakenly do not bear the D designation:
FROZEN WAFFLE and PANCAKE PRODUCTS under more than 40 brand names have been recalled due to the potential for Listeria monocytogenes contamination, including Breakfast Best [Aldi], Clover Valley [Dollar General], Good & Gather [Target], Great Value [Walmart], Kroger, Trader Joe’s, and many others. Details are available at Expansion-of-Voluntary-Recall-to-Include-All-Waffle-and-Pancake-Products-Due-to-the-Potential-for-Listeria-monocytogenes-Contamination/default.aspx or 800-596-2903.
KODIAK POWER WAFFLES BUTTERMILK & VANILLA 40 ct (Use By Date: 01/10/26, Lot: 24193-WL4) sold at Costco has been recalled due to contamination with pieces of plastic film. Details are available at or 801-328- 4067.
2024-9-27 KosherGram PDF
PAS YISROEL: The K-COR wishes to remind consumers of the accepted custom to be stringent on Pas Yisroel during Aseres Yemei T’shuva. Please be advised that many K-COR certified establishments produce or sell some bread and cake products that are not Pas Yisroel. Please ask the Mashgiach or call the K-COR office for details regarding specific establishments.
[NOTE: Milano Bakery bread and rolls with the K-COR symbol are not Pas Yisroel.]
[NOTE: Trader Joe’s Sprouted Wheat Sourdough Bread and Sprouted Wheat Multigrain Bread bearing a Star-K are not Pas Yisroel.]
* per the “glow-bar method” [an electrical heating element turned on by the Mashgiach], which most Kashrus agencies consider Pas Yisroel. (The OU, however, does not accept this as Pas Yisroel, based on the psak of Rabbi Yisroel Belsky zt’l.)
The following is from New Square Kashrus Council:
· The entire gills must be removed. (It may be easier to first cut the head in half before cleaning).
· Rinse the head thoroughly with water while rubbing all surfaces of the head (inside and outside), including all cracks, crevices and folds, and under and around the tongue. Inspect the head to make sure it is clean.
One who wants to avoid the checking process may just rinse the head and cook the head in a separate pot, take a small piece from the flesh of the head, and visually inspect it before eating to make sure there is no foreign object on it.
BLACK EYED PEAS are often infested and require careful checking. The following is based on the Star-K procedure for checking dried, canned or frozen black eyed peas, and applies even if the product bears Kashrus certification. (Note: All canned peas and beans always require Kashrus certification, for general Kashrus concerns.)
[Note: For those who prefer not to rely on checking, some Poskim advise that the Rosh Hashana simanim custom can be fulfilled without eating the item, by placing it on the table and looking at it.]
We Wish All a K’siva v’Chasima Tova
2024-8-21 KosherGram PDF
THE CHODOSH SEASON is approaching for Oats, Spring Wheat and Barley. Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season should do so now. Please note that all grain and flour products that will be stored should be refrigerated to avoid insect infestation.
According to the Kashrus Agencies, all products can be assumed to be Yoshon until at least September 1, except for retail size bags of King Arthur and Gold Medal flours. The cut-off Best By date for King Arthur retail flours is 8/18/25. The cut-off Best By date for Gold Medal retail Whole Wheat flour is in the process of being confirmed. (Gold Medal retail All Purpose and Bread flours from plants GF and KC are made from Yoshon winter wheat. If one is machmir regarding shared mills, the cut-off date is in the process of being confirmed.)
KORDAS’ / METROPOLITAN BAKING CO. ENGLISH MUFFINS are produced by a different company and are not certified by the K-COR / Vaad Harabbonim of Greater Detroit. Only Kordas’ / Metropolitan products that bear the K-COR symbol are certified.
MORE MULTIPLE SUPPLIERS EXAMPLES AT ALDI: The following products currently have a mixture on the shelf of some labels with an OU and some without, due to different suppliers. Always check each individual item carefully.
KELLOGG’S CLUB CRACKERS – CORRECTION: Kellogg’s Club MINIS Crackers with OK-D, in both Original and Parmesan Garlic varieties, contain actual dairy ingredients, as listed on the box. Only regular size [not Minis] Kellogg’s Club Crackers with OK-D, in Original, Multigrain and Reduced Fat varieties, are currently DE [Dairy Equipment], but this status is subject to change and should be rechecked with the OK office every few months. Kellogg’s Club Crisps Baked Snacks with OK-D contain dairy ingredients.
COCA-COLA OREO ZERO SUGAR Limited Edition soda, to be introduced in September, is Kosher and pareve and will bear an OU engraved into the can lid.
COCA-COLA OREO ZERO SUGAR FCB Slurpee syrup, to be introduced later in September, is Kosher and pareve (no symbol required). The label on the syrup box in the back of the 7-Eleven store should be checked to verify the brand and flavor, unless the particular store has local store level Kashrus certification of its Slurpee machine(s).
JELLY BELLY CANDIES: Due to a change at one of its factories, all Jelly Belly products sold outside of North America, and some limited production items (mostly seasonal items) in North America, will soon appear in packaging without an OU symbol. Check each item.
HALE & HEARTY SOUPS are no longer Kosher certified. The OU symbol on remaining containers is supposed to be blacked out with a marker. Consumers who see product in the market with the OU not blacked out should please take a picture and email, noting the location.
GALIL canned and jarred CHICKPEAS with Lot code BB May/06/2027 have been found to be infested and should not be used.
THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS CONTAIN DAIRY INGREDIENTS and are certified Kosher Dairy. Some labels mistakenly do not bear the D designation:
YUMMY ICES have been recalled because they may contain traces of milk and pose a risk to individuals with milk allergies or severe sensitivities. According to the certifying agencies, this is not a Kashrus concern, and the products are considered pareve. Details are available at
FOX’S U-BET brand VANILLA FLAVORED SYRUP and SUGAR-FREE CHOCOLATE FLAVORED SYRUP have been recalled due to a risk of foodborne illness. Details are available at .
CVS and HEB brands of INFANT PREMIUM FORMULA WITH IRON have been recalled due to elevated levels of Vitamin D. Details are available at or 800-538-9543.
LITTLE SALAD BAR brand of Garden Salad and Shredded Lettuce sold at Aldi stores in the Detroit area no longer bears the OK symbol and is not Kosher certified, due to a change in suppliers, and is not recommended. In other areas these may still bear certification; check each bag.
DOLE and MARKETSIDE [Walmart] brands of Shredded Lettuce currently do not bear the OK symbol on many bags, in particular those dated 7-31, 8-1 and 8-2. We have ascertained that these bags are not certified Kosher and are not recommended. Check each bag.
KROGER SALADS: Kroger brand salads in the Detroit area do not bear a recommended certification.
2024-7-4 KosherGram PDF
OASIS MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE BULGAR WHEAT is no longer Star-K certified, and no longer bears the
Star-K symbol. Some packages were mistakenly sold recently at The Grove.
[Note: Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine Taboule Salad is also no longer Star-K certified, as reported last year.]
2024-5-14 KosherGram PDF
THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher and pareve (no symbol required):
THE FOLLOWING NEW SODAS are Kosher and pareve and bear an OU on the bottle cap or engraved into the can lid:
New FRUITWORKS “PEACH GINGER LEMONADE” FREEZE FCB Slurpee syrup is Kosher and pareve (no symbol required). The label on the syrup box in the back of the store must be checked to verify the brand and flavor.
KATZ GLUTEN FREE OAT BREAD and OAT ROLLS mistakenly state that the bracha is ‘Shehakol’. The correct bracha for these products is ‘Hamotzi’.
DUNKIN’ CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES: Certifiers of Kosher DUNKIN’ DONUTS STORES should be aware that the “KD” on the label of these cookies is a non-Orthodox certification.
The following products are not certified Kosher, but bear unauthorized Kashrus marking on some labels:
MARTINELLI’S GOLD MEDAL APPLE JUICE in one liter bottles with a Best By date of 09MAR2026 or 10MAR2026 on the front of the bottle (above the label) has been recalled due to elevated arsenic levels. Details are available at or 800-662-1868.
HELADOS MEXICO ICE CREAM MINIS VARIETY PACK with a Best By date of 10/11/2025 has been recalled due to potential Salmonella contamination in the Mango bars. Details are available at or 909-563-3090.
TIDE, GAIN, ACE and ARIEL brands of LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT PODS have been recalled due to defective packaging that poses risk of serious injury. Details are available at or 833-347-5764.
ROLLER BALL CANDY TYPE PRODUCTS: The candy’s rolling ball can dislodge and become trapped in a child’s throat, posing a fatal choking risk. See
WATER BEADS are a danger to young children & can be deadly if swallowed. See CPSC warning at
2023-3-26 Pesach Update PDF
PACKAGES OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS WITHOUT PESACH MARKING were for a brief time mistakenly placed in the Pesach section at The Grove. Check every label of your purchases for Pesach marking:
RODELLE BAKING COCOA with a Scroll K symbol, sold at Costco, is acceptable for Pesach without Pesach marking.
BARTENURA WINES IN CANS are available in four varieties. The Moscato and Rosato wines are Kosher for Pesach and bear an OU-P. The Peach Moscato and Lychee Moscato flavored wines are not Kosher for Pesach and state “Not for Passover”.
WINES FROM ISRAEL of Shemitah years (e.g., 2022 or 2015 vintages) are being sold in the U.S., and should be avoided due to Shemitah restrictions. Some of these wines normally bear acceptable certifications in other years, but on Shemitah product their certification will differ. Check each bottle carefully.
AM FRESH NORTH AMERICA GRAPEFRUIT, sold at some Costco stores, are produce of Israel as stated on the plastic bag closures and as stated on the cases (“Jaffa / Mehadrin – Israel”), and require taking of Terumos and Maaseros.
BABY / CHILDREN PRODUCTS:. For the convenience of our readers, we list here a summary of some commonly used Baby / Children products approved for Pesach by Rabbi Bess or other reliable sources:
A PDF version of the PesachGram is also available for view and download:
2024-3-26 KosherGram PDF
RECANATI WINE of 2022 vintage was mistakenly sold locally. It is a Shemitah product and is not recommended due to Shemitah concerns (and it therefore does not bear the OU symbol).
POMEGRANATES: U.S. grown pomegranates are currently out of season, and many stores are now selling pomegranates from Israel (that is nearing the end of its pomegranate season), which require taking of Terumos and Maaseros. The country of origin will be listed on the original case. It may not be listed on the stickers of the individual fruits.
GREENFIELD NOODLE CO. has exhausted its stock of Yoshon flour. New product is using Chodosh flour and does not state “Yoshon” next to the expiration date. Product that still states Yoshon is in fact Yoshon.
ROSEN’S brand BAGELS produced by Alpha Baking Co. are no longer OU certified. Rosen’s breads and buns bearing the OU symbol on the packaging continue to be OU Pareve certified [COR Note: and are Pas Yisroel – glow-bar method].
WONDER MILLS WHITE SPELT FLOUR from Israel with a date code of June 12, 2023 [“12/06/23”- European format] has been found to be infested, and should not be used without sifting.
NOVACART BAKING CUPS and MOLDS – A Kof-K Kosher certificate for Novacart was erroneously issued indicating that the following items are Kosher certified for Pesach:
These items are certified as Kosher for year-round usage, but not for Pesach. For any questions regarding these products, please call the Kof-K office at 201-837-0500 ext. 2106.
2024-2-5 KosherGram PDF
BELL PEPPERS FROM ISRAEL (red, yellow and orange) are now found in U.S. stores, and require taking of Terumos and Maaseros. Consumers should carefully check the fine print on the package, or the sticker on individual peppers sold loose, for the country of origin. Often the same brand has some peppers from Israel and some from other locations, so each individual package or pepper should be checked. Details of the tithing procedure can be found (courtesy of Star-K) at
[Note: A bracha is generally not recited, due to the possibility that the separations were already made in Eretz Yisroel.]
One should always be careful when buying produce to check the sticker, bag label or original case for the country of origin. Other examples of Israeli produce commonly found in the U.S. include tomatoes, carrots, citrus fruit (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, mandarins, clementines and pomelos), persimmons (“Sharon Fruit”), pomegranates, mangos, dates, dill and parsley.
DUNCAN HINES MIXES: The OU has confirmed that all Duncan Hines Cake Mixes and all Duncan Hines Brownie Mixes are always Yoshon.
LIEBER’S PRETZELS with the code “015X” have an erroneously printed label indicating Yoshon on some bags. These products are not actually Yoshon, as Chodosh malt was accidentally used in this particular batch.
RICOLA COUGH / THROAT DROPS: Only the following varieties are recommended by the cRc (Chicago Rabbinical Council). They do not require a certification sticker: Original (Natural) Herb, Honey Herb, and Lemon Mint – regular and Sugar Free.
TWIZZLERS GUMMIES: While most Twizzlers candies are Kosher and bear an OU, Twizzlers Gummies candy contains non-Kosher gelatin and therefore bears no OU. (However, Twizzlers Press’d Gummies, sold in Canada, do not contain gelatin and are OU certified when bearing the OU symbol.)
UTZ brand WAVY ORIGINAL POTATO CHIPS in 2.75 oz. bags inadvertently contain dairy seasoning [Kosher] in some bags with a May 06 2024 expiration date and batch number 23363030203, and have been recalled. This product was distributed in the New York Metropolitan area. Details are available at or 800-367-7629.
The following products contain dairy ingredients and are certified Kosher Dairy. Some labels mistakenly do not bear the D designation:
The following products bear unauthorized Kashrus marking on some labels:
QUAKER OATS CO. has recalled the following products due to potential Salmonella contamination: Quaker Granola Bars, Quaker Cereals (including granola cereals and Oatmeal Squares), Cap’n Crunch Treats Bars, Cap’n Crunch Cereals, and Snack Mixes and Variety Packs containing these products. This recall does not include: Quaker Oats, Quaker Instant Oatmeals, Quaker Grits, Quaker Oat Bran, and Quaker Oat Flour. Details are available at or 800-492-9322. [Note: The following products, that were mentioned in the 1/30/24 Links to the Vaad Kashrus alerts regarding the Quaker recall, are not Kosher certified: Quaker Rice Snacks, Cap’n Crunch Instant Oatmeals, Gatorade Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars, and Munchies Mix Munch Mix.]
NUTRAMIGEN HYPOALLERGENIC INFANT FORMULA POWDER with specific batch codes has been recalled due to a possibility of contamination with Cronobacter sakazakii. No Nutramigen liquid formulas or any other Reckitt nutrition products are affected. Details are available at or 866-534-9986. For Canada: Enfamil brand Nutramigen A+ LGG Hypoallergenic (infant formula) recalled due to possible presence of Cronobacter sakazakii – . [Note: This formula is not Kosher certified, but may be Halachically permitted upon consultation with a Rav.]