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2020-4-30 KosherGram PDF


WHEN SHOPPING ONLINE for grocery delivery or curbside pickup, be sure to check the actual label on each item when the order is received. This is essential because:

  • Many online descriptions or pictures give inaccurate or outdated information regarding the product’s Kosher status.
  • The store may substitute non-Kosher or non-approved products if the requested ones are not available.

Following are two recent examples:

  • When a search for EMPIRE KOSHER CHICKEN at Costco yielded no results, an online grocery delivery service company website offered, as a “related result”, a non-Kosher brand of chicken [Foster Farms] as “Kosher”.
  • SIMPLE TRUTH ORGANIC CANNED DICED TOMATOES IN TOMATO JUICE is pictured on the Kroger website with an OU. After pickup, a shopper found that some cans bear an OU, and other cans bear a different, non-approved symbol.

ALSO BE AWARE that due to the pandemic, some manufacturing plants are unable to obtain sufficient Kosher ingredients (e.g. cheese) for their productions, and some plants are expanding the range of products they make to offset lack of availability from their usual suppliers. As a result, some products will lose their Kosher certification, and some products will change from pareve to dairy. Every product label must be carefully checked for its proper status.

DOLE ICEBERG LETTUCE SALADS: Some bags of Dole Garden Salad and Dole Shredded Lettuce currently in stores do not bear the OK symbol. These bags are not OK certified and are not recommended.

CAROLINA brand BROWN RICE: The cRc (Chicago Rabbinical Council) reports that while brown rice in the Midwest is generally free of infestation issues, Carolina brand brown rice has been found to have infestation issues even in the Midwest.  Consumers are advised not to use Carolina brand brown rice without a thorough checking.

The following is the procedure for checking brown rice as per the Star-K:

  1. Place the brown rice (no more than 16 oz. at a time) in a mesh strainer. Mesh size should ideally be #12 mesh or larger.
  2. Shake the brown rice over a lightbox or white paper for 25-30 seconds.
  3. Examine the surface of the lightbox or paper for any insect presence. If no insects are found, the brown rice may be used. If any       insects are found, the brown rice should not be used.

 UNCLE BEN’S WHOLEGRAIN PARBOILED BROWN RICE mistakenly bears an OU-D on some 25 lb. bags. This product is OU Pareve.

CAMILLE BLOCH SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE BAR mistakenly says Pareve on some labels. This product is dairy and Cholov Yisroel.

VITA WILD HERRING IN WINE SAUCE 32 oz. bearing a plain OU with lot code 03609 and Best if Used Before date JUN 26 20 has been recalled because it may be mislabeled and may actually contain Herring In Sour Cream (certified OU-D). Mislabeled jars will be obvious by the white sour cream sauce visible through the clear plastic jar. For more information contact Vita at 800- 989-8482.

HERSHEY’S ICE CREAM FUDJO CHOCOLATEY FUDGE BAR 2.5 ounce was mistakenly labeled Kof-K DE instead of the required Kof-K Dairy. This product contains milk, as clearly stated on the label, and is certified Kosher Dairy.

GORDON CHOICE FROZEN VEGETABLES from Gordon Food Service bear an unauthorized wKs [Whole Kosher Services] symbol on some products, including broccoli and cauliflower. No Gordon Choice or GFS products are wKs certified.

iO INSPIRED ORGANICS BALSAMIC VINEGAR is not OU certified. Some labels bear an unauthorized OU symbol.

BEST YET ONION RINGS are not OU certified. Some packages bear an unauthorized OU symbol.

NO SUGAR, VEGAN PURE and VEGAN WAY brands of products sold by the No Sugar Company Limited and Vegan Way Nutrition Inc. are not certified Kosher by The Orthodox Rabbinical Council of British Columbia [“Kosher Check”]. The            K check logo on them is a Keto Diet symbol, not a Kosher symbol.

NESTLE NERDS CANDY is not OU certified, and does not bear an OU symbol. Rainbow Nerds in Israel bears an Allbrands Importer Israel sticker that wrongly states that Nerds is certified by the Orthodox Union.

MALK ORGANICS nut milks and oat milks bear an unauthorized HKA logo.


BENEFIBER HEALTHY SHAPE [PREBIOTIC] FIBER SUPPLEMENT POWDER and BENEFIBER PREBIOTIC FIBER SUPPLEMENT POWDER from  five specific lots have been recalled due to green plastic pieces or shavings from bottle caps that may be present in the product, posing a choking or injury hazard. Details are available at or 800-452-0051.

LENOX brand 2.5 QUART WHISTLING STAINLESS STEEL TEA KETTLES  have been recalled because they can expel hot water during use, posing a burn hazard to consumers. Details are available at or 800-669-6385.


  • Plag Hamincha is at 7:05 pm.  Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time.  All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall at 9:20 pm.
  • Zman candle lighting is at 8:16 pm.  Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:34 pm.
  • Sefiras Haomer should be counted after 9:20 pm.


  • Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:26 am.
  • Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:22 am or 9:58 am (Gr”a.)
  • Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:09 am (Gr”a.)
  • This Shabbos we read Acharei Mos and Kedoshim. The Haftorah is from Acharei Mos from the Navi, Amos (9:7-15)
  • Some have the custom to recite the special Mi Shebearach for those who will undertake to fast during the three fast days of Behab which are this coming Monday, Thursday and the following Monday
  • Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:05 pm.
  • Avos Perek Gimmel.
  • Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:35 pm.  Mincha should be completed before then.
  • Shabbos concludes at 9:21 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:47 pm) Havdalah and Sefiras Haomer should not be recited before then.

The final time to recite Kiddush Levana is the entire night following Wednesday, May 6.

This coming Friday, May 8 is Pesach Sheini.  Some have the Minhag to omit Tachanun.

ברוך דיין האמת

בצער רב אנו מודיעים על פטירתו של

הרב הגאון ר’ שאול זכריש זצ”ל

רב בדעטראיט וחבר נשיאות ועד הרבנים

With deep sadness, the Vaad HaRabbonim mourns the passing today of Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash Zt”l, Rav of Cong. Shomrei Emunah of Southfield, Michigan for more than 50 years.  Rabbi  Zachariash  served on the presidium of the Vaad Harabonim for many years, and after the passing of Rabbi Leizer Levin and Rabbi Chatzkel Grubner Zt”l, served as its Yoshev Rosh.

Rav Zachariash was a close Talmid of R’ Yaakov Kamenetzky and R’ Ruderman Zt”l  and received semicha from R’ Ruderman.  Before moving to Detroit he served as Rav in Vineland, NJ, Hunter, NY, and Toledo OH.  In Detroit he also served as a Rebbi in Yeshiva Bais Yehuda,  later taking on the role of principal.  He was an active Mohel, and was able to do Safrus and Shechita as well.

His selfless dedication to the Klall was legendary.  He was beloved to his congregants and helped many people behind the scenes.  Nothing was beneath his dignity to do for Hashem and for his fellow man.  Although his accomplishments were many, he constantly avoided Kavod.  Fulfilling Hashem’s Ratzon was the only thing that mattered at all times and that was the way he led his life.  His persona was one of a true Eved Hashem.

Together with his late wife, Rebbetzin Bracha Zachariash A”h, he was zoche to build a beautiful home and distinguished family. His children are Rabbi Avrohom and Rivka Schwartz of Flatbush, NY, Rabbi Eli Meyer and Orah Jundef of Southfield, MI, Rabbi Eli and Avigail Teichman of Lakewood, NJ and Rabbi Avrohom Boruch and Chana Zachariash of Ramat Shlomo, Yerushalayim.  The Zachariashs were zoche to many grandchildren and great grandchildren, kein yirbu.

May the family be comforted along with all mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.

יהי זכרו ברוך

Please note: The funeral for Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash will IY”H take place in Israel tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM (our time). The call in numbers are: Israel +972 (3) 9121841   US (267) 930-4000   Access# 105-494-227. 

Mrs. Orah Jundef is sitting Shiva locally. She can be reached at (248)737-2756.


2020-4-23View as PDF

• During Maariv, remember to recite Yaaleh VeYavo
• Sefiras HaOmer should be counted after 9:10 pm

• During Shacharis, usual Rosh Chodesh Davening which includes Yaaleh VeYavo, half-Hallel, Musaf and Borchi Nafshi
• The Mishna Berura says that although it is during the mourning period associated with Sefiras HaOmer, one may take a haircut and shave today in honor of Shabbos Rosh Chodesh
• Plag Hamincha is at 6:59 pm. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time. All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall at 9:11 pm.
• Yaaleh VeYavo in Mincha and Maariv
• Zman candle lighting is at 8:07 pm. Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:25 pm.
• Sefiras Haomer should be counted after 9:11 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:35 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:27 am or 10:03 am (Gr”a.)
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:12 am (Gr”a.)
• Yaaleh VeYavo and half-Hallel during Shacharis
• This Shabbos we read Tazria and Metzora. Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28: 9-15) The Haftorah is for Shabos Rosh Chodesh from Sefer Yishayahu (66:1-24, repeating Pasuk 23 at the end.)
• No Av HaRachamim this week
• Musaf for Shabbos Rosh Chodesh with Atta Yatzarta
• Borchei Nafshi
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:05 pm.
• Yaaleh VeYavo at Mincha and no Tzidkascha Tzedek
• Avos Perek Beis
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:26 pm. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 9:12 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:39 pm) Havdalah and Sefiras Haomer should not be recited before then.

2020-4-21View as PDF

כ”ז ניסן תש”פ

April 21, 2020

In response to many inquiries regarding payments to playgroups during the current situation in which they cannot function, the Vaad HaRabbonim would like to state the following.

There are differences of opinion amongst the Poskim as to whether hired employees such as playgroup Moros should be paid when not working due to a widespread situation beyond anyone’s control. In a famous T’shuva from the Chasam Sofer regarding a similar question, the Chasam Sofer states that due to the complexity of the shaila it is difficult to give a definite ruling and suggests a compromise payment of half the normal salary. He adds that he personally paid his melamdim their full wages during the closure.

In line with this P’sak, the Vaad Harabonim would like to recommend such a compromise for our community. Beginning with the month of April, wherever it is financially workable, Moros should be paid half of their monthly salary. For those who can afford it and would like to go beyond that and pay more, that would truly be commendable. If, due to the current situation, one cannot afford to pay the half, they should try to work out their own compromise with the Morah and pay whatever they can. Babysitters that are hired with a commitment for the school year should also receive half-pay. Those that are hired on a per day basis do not have to be paid for their lost income.

Regarding using ma’aser funds for the above-mentioned payments, or for questions regarding specific individual situations, one should consult with their Rov.

We thank everyone for their cooperation, Chesed and Shalom in these trying times. May we be zoche soon to Yeshuos and Refuos for the entire Klal Yisroel.


Rabbi Yisroel M. Levin

Rabbi Yechiel Morris

Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg



Rabbi Shmuel Irons

Rosh Kollel, Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit


Rabbi Asher Eisenberger

Dayan, Agudas Yisroel Mogen Avraham


CHOMETZ may be purchased immediately after Pesach at the following stores in the Detroit area, except for Dunkin Donuts (10 & Greenfield) where chometz should not be bought until 10:15 PM, due to the Halachic requirement of “bichdei sh’yaasu”.

All K-COR certified establishments
Busch’s Fresh Food Market
Dollar Tree Stores
Family Dollar Stores
GFS (Gordon Food Service)
Joe Randazzo’s Fruit Market
One Stop Kosher Market
Plum Market
Rite Aid
Sam’s Club
Save-A-Lot (11 & Greenfield)
Superior Kosher Meats
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods

It is advisable to wait two weeks after Pesach (May 1) before buying “pure” chometz products (e.g., bread, grain cereals, pasta, cookies and pretzels) at Jewish-owned stores that do not observe Pesach, even if they made a Mechiras Chometz before Pesach, due to the possibility that new chometz was received during Pesach. This includes Restaurant Depot, Johnny Pomodoro’s Fresh Market, and Natural Food Patch. It is permitted to purchase most other products immediately after Pesach, including pearled raw barley, dry cake mixes, flour (without malted barley), glue, all kitniyos, ketchup, mayonnaise, medicines, mustard, vinegar, vitamin tablets, baker’s yeast, and yeast extract.

Buying chometz from Kroger and Target in the Detroit area after Pesach involves Halachic uncertainty. Although these stores are owned by non-Jews, there is a possibility that they are supplied by privately-owned Jewish food distributor C&S, and the chometz sold after Pesach may have been in the possession of C&S during Pesach. Since it is difficult to gather precise information, it is commendable to wait two weeks after Pesach (May 1), before buying “pure” chometz items from these stores.

LIEBER’S TOMATO SAUCE is Kosher for Pesach only when bearing Pesach certification. Non-Pesach cans state openly on the label “NOT FOR PASSOVER”. 34 non-Pesach cans (15 oz.) were mistakenly sold at One Stop on Tuesday April 7. Please check your purchases.

BODEK frozen BUTTERNUT SQUASH is Kosher for Pesach, even if the bag does not state so.

Remember – check every label for Pesach certification!

We wish all our readers a Chag Kosher V’Sameach

KLEIN’S REAL KOSHER VANILLA ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE COATED BARS 6 Packs bear Pesach certification on some packages. These packages are Kosher for Pesach only if the individual bars inside are in special clear plastic wrappers with no wording. Some Pesach marked packages mistakenly contain bars in regular preprinted wrappers that list many ingredients including corn syrup, mono and diglycerides, lecithin, etc. These bars are not certified for Pesach and contain kitniyos, and should be put away until after Pesach.

YARDEN frozen FAVA BEANS mistakenly states (in Hebrew) Kosher l’Pesach “l’lo chashash kitniyos”. This product is kitniyos, and should say “l’ochlei kitniyos” (only for those who eat kitniyos on Pesach).

LIEBER’S canned CRUSHED TOMATOES WITH BASIL bearing the code QA BBD 01/29/23 KFP has been recalled because the can may expand and can potentially explode. Customers should dispose of the can and request a full refund. Only cans with this particular code are affected.

“SHOLOM MICHIGAN KOSHER SWEET CONCORD WINE” from St. Julian Wine Co., Paw Paw, Mich., is not under Orthodox supervision and should not be considered Kosher.

BABY / CHILDREN PRODUCTS:. For the convenience of our readers, we list here a summary of some commonly used Baby / Children products approved for Pesach by Rabbi Bess and Star-K:
Advil Children’s Junior Strength Tablets
Bayer Children’s Aspirin
Benadryl Children’s Allergy Liquid – Cherry, Dye-Free Liquid – Bubble Gum, Plus Congestion – Grape
Motrin Infants’ Drops – Dye-Free Berry
Motrin Children’s Suspension – Bubble Gum, Berry, and Dye-Free Berry
Sudafed Children’s Nasal Decongestant – Grape
Sudafed PE Children’s Nasal Decongestant – Berry
Sudafed PE Children’s Cold & Cough – Grape
Tylenol Infants’ Oral Suspension – Grape
Tylenol Children’s Suspension – Cherry
MiraLax Powder

Remember – check every label for Pesach certification!

We wish all our readers a Chag Kosher V’Sameach

2020-4-7 Vaad Statement PDF available to view.

י”ג ניסן תש”פ

April 7, 2020

To the Detroit Jewish Community,

In anticipation of Pesach, we remind everyone of the following extraordinary but necessary protocols to allow us to do our utmost to protect one another from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

• If Chas V’Shalom a person is not feeling well to the point where they are having shortness of breath, are having significant changes in breathing, or mental status (e.g. lethargy, delirium and/or unresponsiveness) they and/or those who are with them should call Hatzalah or 911 IMMEDIATELY. Do not hesitate and do not ask a Shayla. If someone has a relative in the hospital with Covid-19, they should speak to their Rov before Yom Tov regarding halachic issues specific to the virus, i.e. communicating with the nursing station and transportation if it becomes necessary.
• No Minyanim should be held anywhere or anyplace, whether indoors or outdoors. Holding a Minyan at this time severely undermines efforts at containment and puts lives in danger.
• Social distancing at a minimum of six feet must be practiced at all times. As we make final preparations, extra diligence should be exercised while shopping at stores.
• Unless absolutely necessary no one should have guests join them for Yom Tov, Chol Hamoed or weekday meals. This includes friends, as well as local family members who live in another home.
• We must be extremely vigilant on Yom Tov and Chol HaMoed to practice CDC recommended social distancing of a minimum of six feet. There should not be any congregating in front of homes, on the street or at parks. In addition, when taking walks, we must be careful not to walk within six feet of other community members. Please remember that in Oakland County all playgrounds must be closed for safety reasons. Parents must be extra vigilant to explain these safety guidelines to their children and supervise them when they are outside so that they don’t mingle with other children in yards, on the block or elsewhere.
• Everyone should strongly consider taking the advice of the CDC and wear a face mask or cloth face covering, whenever they are outside in public.

During this time of great danger, everyone should remember that we can and must proactively do our part to remove this gezeira ra’ah, this frightening and destructive plague, by engaging in heartfelt and sincere teshuva, tefilla and tzedakah.

Lastly, although times are most certainly difficult, concerning, and upsetting, we should not lose sight that we are also about to celebrate Pesach and usher in the simcha of Yom Tov. Although we are all disappointed that our plans for Pesach have been radically changed, we still have the capacity to create and find much meaning, fulfillment and joy over the upcoming Yom Tov.

May we all have the wisdom and resolve to follow these critically important safety and hashkafic guidelines. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bring refuah and yeshuah to all those in need of healing. May all those in the medical field be blessed with wisdom, protection and endurance. And may all of us be blessed with good health, healing, strength and a Yom Tov that brings with it simcha, refuah, yeshuah and geulah.

Rabbi Avrohom Bleich
Rabbi Yosef Bromberg
Rabbi Asher Eisenberger
Rabbi Levi Jundef
Rabbi Shaya Katz
Rabbi Simcha Klein
Rabbi Ari Kostelitz
Rabbi Boruch Levin
Rabbi Yisroel Menachem Levin
Rabbi Dov Loketch
Rabbi Yechiel Morris
Rabbi Moshe Radner
Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg
Rabbi Chaim Gershon Steinmetz
Rabbi Yissachar Wolf
Rabbi Eli Yelen

י”ב ניסן תש”פ
April 6, 2020

Due to logistic and health reasons, the Vaad was unfortunately not able to provide a romaine lettuce checking service this year. The following are some guidelines for those who are unable to obtain certified pre-checked romaine lettuce and are not equipped or familiar with the “thrip-cloth method”.

As a general rule the stalks are much easier to clean than the leafy part of the lettuce. Simply rip off the leafy parts and soak the stalks in a soapy solution. Run the stalks under a stream of water while running up and down with your thumb. No further checking required.

For those that still wish to use the leaves as usual – extra care must be taken to wash the leaves very well with soapy water. A sponge or brush should then be used to scrub each leaf separately making sure to reach all cracks and crevices. Rinse very well. No further checking required. This method is less preferred than using stalks.

• Romaine hearts have less bugs than whole heads.
• Organic lettuce should not be used.
• These guidelines are for this year only and should not be relied upon for other years.
• When using stalks, a k’zayis is enough to fill a 3” x 5” area or enough to displace 1 fl oz of water (2-4 stalks). When using leaves, a k’zayis is enough to fill a 8” x 10” area or enough to displace 1 fl oz of water.
• Each person needs 1 k’zayis for marror and 1 k’zayis for korech.
• 4 k’zaysim per person will satisfy your needs for both Sedorim.

2020-4-3 Zmanim PDF available to view.

*Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the collective voice of the Rabbonim is unequivocal that absolutely no Minyanim should be held in the Detroit Jewish community, whether in a Shul, Yeshiva, Kollel, a private home, outdoors or any other location. Convening a Minyan at this time severely undermines efforts at containment, and puts lives in danger.

Shabbos HaGadol/Pesach Davening and Halachic Instructions at Home

On Shabbos, Yom Tov and Weekday, certain parts of Tefillah are omitted when davening individually, including Kaddish, Barchu, Cahzaras ha-Shatz, Kedusha and Hotza’as ve-Hachnosas Sefer Torah.

Tachanun is not recited during Chodesh Nisan and many have the custom to recite the Parsha of the Nasi each of the first thirteen days of Nisan.

On Shabbos we omit on Friday night the Bracha Achas Me’ein Shevah (Magen Avos) after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv. In addition, on Shabbos day, Ashkenazim omit the second Yekum Perkan and Mishaberach. Since it is Chodesh Nisan, we do not recite Av Harachamim prior to Musaf and Tzidkashcha Tzedek during Mincha.

On days when there is Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) it is appropriate to read the Kriah from a Chumash, with the trop if possible. Similarly, on Shabbos and Yom Tov, the Haftorah, with the trop, should be read as well. No Berachos should be recited on the Torah reading or the Haftorah.


• Plag Hamincha is at 6:42 pm. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time. All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall.
• Zman candle lighting is at 7:44 pm. Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:02 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:09 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:47 am or 10:23 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:27 am (Gr”a).
• This Shabbos we read Parshas Tzav. The Haftorah is the special Haftorah for Shabbos HaGadol from Sefer Malachi (3:4-24, repeating verse 23 at the end).
• Some have the custom to read the Haggadah on Shabbos afternoon from Avadim HaYinu until L’Chaper al Avonoseinu.
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:08 pm.
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:03 pm. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 8:46 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:15 pm) Havdalah should not be recited before then.
• The final time to recite Kiddush Levana is the entire night following Tuesday, April 7.


• Mincha should be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:07 pm.
• Tzeis HaKochavim (nightfall) is at 8:50 pm.
• Bedikas Chametz (searching for Chametz) is after 8:50 pm starting with the bracha al biur chametz and then recite the night-time “bitul” formula found in the Haggadah.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:03 am.
• In addition to Tachanun, we omit Mizmor Lesodah and Lamenatzeach
• The firstborn have a custom to fast or they may participate in a Siyum. They should then eat something after the Siyum in celebration. This will exempt them from fasting the rest of the day. Many of the Shuls will be broadcasting a Siyum in real time on a conference call and/or zoom, Everyone should contact their Rav and Shul for more details.
• The latest time to eat chametz is at 10:59 am.
• One should dispose of chametz before 12:17 pm. After you dispose (flush down toilet) or burn the chametz recite the daytime “bitul” found in the Haggadah.
• One should not eat matzah at all on Erev Pesach. Egg Matzah may be eaten until 11:00 am. Products containing matzah meal that are baked (e.g. matzah meal cake) may not be eaten all day Erev Pesach. Products that are cooked/boiled with matzah meal (e.g. kneidlach or gefilte fish) may be eaten until 4:52 pm. After 4:52 pm one may still snack on meat, fish, salad, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables etc., but one should not fill up on these items so as to ensure a hearty appetite at the seder.
• Make an Eruv Tavshilin before Candle lighting.
• Candle lighting (lehadlik ner shel yom tov and shehechiyanu) is at 7:49 pm.
• Mincha should be completed by Shkiah (sunset) at 8:07 pm.
• For those who have the custom to say Hallel with a bracha in shul on Pesach night there are different opinions whether it is recited at home when Davening privately. Everyone should contact their Rov for guidance and clarification.
• The recitation of Kiddush at the Seder should not be until 8:52 pm.
• The Afikoman should be eaten by Chatzos at 1:34 am.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:01 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:41 am or 10:17 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:23 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, full Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Bo in Sefer Shemos (12:21-51). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:16-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Yehoshua (3:5-7, 5:2-15, 6:1, and 6:27).
• When Davening at home without a Minyan we do not recite Tefillas Tal. Following your individual Amidah, however, one may recite the Piyut section of the Tefilla beginning with T’Homos.
• Those who recite Morid HaTal throughout the summer should begin to do so when they recite Musaf. Those who do NOT recite Morid Hatal during the summer should continue to recite Mashiv Haruach U’Morid HaGeshem during Musaf and begin to change at Mincha. According to Rav Asher Eisenberger, when Davening Musaf after 2:08 pm (Mincha Gedolah), even if you Daven Nusach Ashkenaz, you should recite Morid Hatal in Musaf and then leave it out starting at Mincha. During Mincha, in all circumstances, we no longer recite Mashiv Haruach U’Morid HaGeshem.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:08 pm.
• Candle Lighting (Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov and Shehechiyanu) as well as all preparations for the Seder and the start of the Seder itself should not occur until Tzeis HaKochavim at 8:52 pm (Rabeinu Tam at 9:21 pm).
• Regarding reciting Hallel at home following Maariv, please see what is written above under Erev Pesach.
• We begin to count SEFIRAS HAOMER after 8:52 pm.
• The Afikoman should be eaten by Chatzos at 1:34 am.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 7:00 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:40 am or 10:16 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:22 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchs Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, full Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshos Emor in Sefer Vayikra (22:22-23;44). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:16-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Melachim II (23:1-9 and 23:21-25).
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before 8:09 pm.
• Plag HaMincha is at 6:47 pm. Those making an early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles after that time. Please don’t forget to repeat all three paragraphs of Krias Shema after 8:53 pm
• Zman candle lighting for Shabbos Chol Hamoed is at 7:51 pm.
• We do not recite Kabbalos Shabbos, rather we recite Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbos and Hashem Moloch followed by Maariv.
• During Maariv please remember to recite Ya’ale V’Yavo during the regular Shabbos Shemoneh Esrei.
• Please don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer starting at 8:53 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:58 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:39 am or 10:15 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:21 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Shabbos, Birchas Krias Shema of Shabbos, Shacharis Amidah for Shabbos with Ya’ale V’Yavo, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim with additions for Shabbos and Pesach.
• One may recite Shir Hashirim at home.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Ki Sisa in Sefer Shemos (33:12-34:26). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25), The Haftorah is from Sefer Yechezkel (37:1-14).
• Mincha can be recited after 2:08 pm and must be completed before 8:10 pm.
• Don’t forget to eat your Erev Tavshilin on Shabbos.
• During Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv, we begin to recite V’sen Bracha in the Bracha of Bareich Aleinu. Please also remember to recite Ata Chonantanu and Y’ale V’yavo.
• Shabbos concludes at 8:55 pm. (Rabbenu Tam at 9:23 pm). Havdalah should not be recited before then. Please don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer at that time, as well.

• Yaaleh Veyavo in Amidah followed by half Hallel with a Bracha (if you wear Tefillin on Chol Hamoed make sure to remove them before Hallel). We omit Mizmor Lesodah, Tachanun and Lamenatzeach. Mussaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Don’t forget to count Sefiras Haomer each night after Tzeis Hakochavim (8:56, 8:57, 8:58 pm).

• Zman candle lighting (lehadlik ner shel yom tov only, no shehechiyanu) is at 7:56 pm. Plag, early Shabbos, candle lighting is at 6:50 pm. Don’t forget to repeat all three paragraphs of Krias Shema after 8:58 pm.
• Sefiras Haomer is after 8:58 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:51 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:36 am or 10:12 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:19 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Beshalach in Sefer Shemos (13:17-15:26). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Shmuel II (22:1-51).
• When Davening at home without a Minyan we do not recite Kah Keili.
• Musaf for the Shalosh Regalim.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:07 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:15 pm.
• Candle Lighting (Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov but no Shehechiyanu) as well as all preparations for the last day of Pesach and Sefiras Haomer should not occur until Tzeis HaKochavim (nightfall) at 9:00 pm (Rabeinu Tam at 9:28 pm).

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:50 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:35 am or 10:11 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:18 am (Gr”a).
• Daven Shacharis (pesukei dezimra of Yom Tov, Birchas Krias Shema of weekday Yom Tov, special Amidah for Yom Tov, half Hallel and Musaf for Shalosh Regalim.
• Krias HaTorah (Torah reading) is from Parshas Re’eh in Sefer Devarim (15:19-16:17). Maftir is from Parshas Pinchas in Sefer Bamidbar (28:19-25). The Haftorah is from Sefer Yeshayahu (10:32-12:6).
• When Davening at home one may recite Yizkor. Please remember the most important aspect of Yizkor is to pledge and commit to giving Tzedakah.
• Musaf for the Shalosh Regalim.
• Mincha can be recited after 2:07 pm and must be completed before Shkiah (sunset) at 8:16 pm.
• Yom Tov concludes at 9:01 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:29 pm). Sefiras Haomer should be recited at that time. Havdalah should not be recited before then.
• Please check with your Rav as to when one can assume that Chametz which was sold prior to Pesach has been repurchased and can then be used.


• Plag Hamincha is at 6:53 pm. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles at that time. All three paragraphs of Krias Shema should be repeated after nightfall at 9:02 pm.
• Zman candle lighting is at 7:59 pm. Those accepting Shabbos at the Zman should complete Mincha before 8:17 pm.
• Sefiras Haomer should be counted after 9:02 pm.

• Honetz Hachama (sunrise) is at 6:47 am.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:33 am or 10:09 am (Gr”a).
• Sof Zman Tefillah is at 11:17 am (Gr”a).
• This Shabbos we read Parshas Shemini. The Haftorah is from Sefer Shmuel II (6:1-7:17).
• Birchas Hachodesh is recited this week as it is Shabbos Mevarchim. (Rosh Chodesh Iyar yihyeh b’yom HaShishi u’v’yom HaShabbos Kodesh). The Molad will be Wednesday night, April 22 in Yerushalayim at 10:58 pm and 12 Chalakim.
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:07 pm.
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 8:18 pm. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 9:04 pm (Rabbenu Tam at 9:31 pm) Havdalah and Sefiras Haomer should not be recited before then.

2020-3-27 Zmanim PDF available to view.

Zmanim and Protocols for Praying Individually
Week of Parshas Vayikra

Friday night:
• Plag Mincha is at 6:35 p.m. Those making early Shabbos should complete Mincha before then and light candles after that time.
• Zman candle lighting is at 7:35 p.m. Those accepting Shabbos at the zman should complete Mincha before 7:53 p.m.
Shabbos Day:
• Honetz Hachamah (sunrise) is at 7:22 a.m.
• Sof Zman Krias Shema (M”A) is at 9:53 a.m. or 10:29 a.m. (Gr”a)
• Sof Zman Tefilah is at 11:32 a.m. (Gr”a)
• Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited after 2:10 p.m.
• Shkiah (sunset) on Shabbos day is at 7:54 p.m. Mincha should be completed before then.
• Shabbos concludes at 8:38 p.m. (Rabbenu Tam at 9:07 p.m.). Havdallah should not be recited before then.

Davening Protocols:

• Tachanun is not recited during the month of Nissan.

• Many have the custom to recite the Parsha of the Nasi each of the first thirteen days of Nissan.

• On Shabbos and weekdays certain parts of Tefilah are omitted when davening individually, including Kaddish, Barchu, Chazaras ha-Shatz, and Kedusha.

  • Additionally:
    o Friday night: Omit the beracha achas me’ein shevah (Magen Avos) after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv.
    o Shabbos day: Omit Seder Hotza’as vehachnosas Sefer Torah. Ashkenazim also omit the second Yekum Perkan and Mishaberach. We don’t recite Av Ha-Rachamim prior to Musaf and Tzidkascha Tzedek during Mincha (since we are now in the month of Nisan).

• It’s appropriate to read Parshas Vayikra from a Chumash, with the trop if possible. Similarly, the reading for Haftorah from Yeshayahu (43:21 – 44:23) should be read. No Berachos should be recited on the Torah reading or the Haftorah.
We are all about to discover time and opportunity in our homes we didn’t anticipate. Let’s use it judiciously and meaningfully on the pursuits we generally don’t have enough time for, like conversations and interactions with family, extra Torah learning, and meaningful private Tefilla.

 Keilim Mikva Guidelines

• The Keilim Mikva is being cleaned daily and chlorine has been added to the water.

• All preparations should occur prior to entering the Mikva including the removal of all packaging, labels and stickers.

• Only one person may enter the Keilim Mikva building at a time.

• After returning home all Keilim should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.

• If anyone is concerned about using the Keilim Mikva for Tevilas Keilim, they should consult their Rav for possible alternative solutions.

2020-3-26 Vaad Statement PDF available to view.

Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5780

March 26, 2020

To the Detroit Jewish Community,

As our community deals with the developing COVID-19 situation, we must adjust to this new reality, and prepare to live our lives following essential guidelines. There are many confirmed cases in every neighborhood in our community. People’s lives are in danger, and each of us is halachically obligated to protect ourselves, our family, and our community.

As the Yom Tov of Pesach approaches, it is crucial for the community to adhere to strict guidelines of social distancing. As directed in a joint statement from major organizations across the Orthodox spectrum, travel to other cities must be cancelled, whether to vacation venues (Florida, etc.) or to family. Everyone must plan to celebrate Pesach where they are currently.

Nobody in our community should host out of town guests. Unfortunately, this means that even married children, parents and grandparents, or anyone that does not absolutely need to come, should not visit for Yom Tov. We urge the community not to have any guests at all, even from in-town.

Individuals living alone or those absolutely unable to prepare for Pesach may choose to self-quarantine for 14 days, and then – if asymptomatic – may join with a welcoming local family that is similarly asymptomatic and that has been disciplined in staying home and limiting their interactions outside the home to the absolute minimum. These guests may join one family only for the duration, without additional company, and must carefully observe the mandated standards of scrupulous hygiene and social distancing. The elderly and high risk must seek medical advice before considering this.

At this time, absolutely no minyanim should be held, whether in a shul, a home, outdoors, or any other location. Holding a minyan at this time severely undermines efforts at containment, and puts lives in danger.

We urge one and all – while strictly maintaining the prescribed guidelines – to look out for each other by reaching out to and providing for each other, especially those living alone. We hope and pray that in the z’chus of our sincere Tefillos and Chassadim Hashem should swiftly remove this plague from the world and bless us all with health, peace and tranquility.

May we merit yeshuos and refuos soon,

Vaad Harabbonim of Greater Detroit

The Vaad Harabbonim presents the online PesachGram.

The PesachGram may take a moment to load and appear. Click on the icon on top of frame for fullscreen.

A PDF version of the PesachGram is also available for view and download:

PesachGram PDF

2019-12-30 Vaad Statement PDF available to view.

כ”א אדר תש”פ
March 17, 2020

COVID-19 Virus Statement from the Vaad Harabbonim

One of the most difficult challenges facing our community with the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, and the requirement of social distancing, is its impact on our avodah as a tzibbur. Tefilla B’tzibbur, Torah shiurim and pilpul chaveirim are the lifelines of our nation. Indeed, the Rabbonim of the Detroit community have hesitated and refrained from closing the shuls for as long as possible. Closing a shul is not just another measure, it requires great thought. But with recent developments, and the expected return of many students from out of town, the regular continuation of minyanim poses a risk to the health and lives of the members of our surrounding community.
With much difficulty and sadness, the Rabbonim have decided that all shuls in the community close to the public until further notice. Everyone should daven alone at home at the time that the minyan would normally take place. No minyanim should be held at homes.
Although we may not be going to shul, now in particular is a time to strengthen our Tefila. While we may not meet in a Beis Hamedrash, we must dedicate ourselves to Limud Hatorah. Everyone is encouraged to seek the many available options of learning at home.
May הקב”ה continue to protect us from all harm, אמן כן יהי רצון